"use strict"; var woof_redirect = '';//if we use redirect attribute in shortcode [woof] var woof_reset_btn_action = false; var woof_additional_fields = {}; jQuery(function () { try { woof_current_values = JSON.parse(woof_current_values); } catch (e) { woof_current_values = null; } if (woof_current_values == null || woof_current_values.length == 0) { woof_current_values = {}; } }); //*** if (typeof woof_lang_custom == 'undefined') { var woof_lang_custom = {};/*!!important*/ } if (typeof woof_ext_filter_titles != 'undefined') { woof_lang_custom = Object.assign({}, woof_lang_custom, woof_ext_filter_titles); } jQuery(function ($) { jQuery('body').append('
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woof_ajax_page_num = 1; woof_submit_link(woof_get_submit_link(), 0); return false; } /* +++ */ }); } function woof_init_reset_button() { jQuery('body').on('click', '.woof_reset_search_form', function () { //var link = jQuery(this).data('link'); woof_ajax_page_num = 1; woof_ajax_redraw = 0; woof_reset_btn_action = true; if (woof_is_permalink) { woof_current_values = {}; woof_submit_link(woof_get_submit_link().split("page/")[0]); } else { var link = woof_shop_page; if (woof_current_values.hasOwnProperty('page_id')) { link = location.protocol + '//' + location.host + "/?page_id=" + woof_current_values.page_id; woof_current_values = {'page_id': woof_current_values.page_id}; woof_get_submit_link(); } //*** woof_submit_link(link); if (woof_is_ajax) { history.pushState({}, "", link); if (woof_current_values.hasOwnProperty('page_id')) { woof_current_values = {'page_id': woof_current_values.page_id}; } else { woof_current_values = {}; } } } return false; }); } function woof_init_pagination() { if (woof_is_ajax === 1) { //jQuery('.woocommerce-pagination ul.page-numbers a.page-numbers').life('click', function () { jQuery('body').on('click', '.woocommerce-pagination a.page-numbers', function () { var l = jQuery(this).attr('href'); 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woof_is_ajax = 0; } //*** woof_submit_link(woof_get_submit_link()); return false; }); //*** jQuery('ul.woof_childs_list').parent('li').addClass('woof_childs_list_li'); //*** woof_remove_class_widget(); woof_checkboxes_slide(); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('woof_init_search_form', {detail: {}})); } var woof_submit_link_locked = false; function woof_submit_link(link, ajax_redraw) { if (woof_submit_link_locked) { return; } if (typeof WoofTurboMode != 'undefined') { WoofTurboMode.woof_submit_link(link); return; } if (typeof ajax_redraw == 'undefined') { ajax_redraw = woof_ajax_redraw; } woof_submit_link_locked = true; woof_show_info_popup(woof_lang_loading); if (woof_is_ajax === 1 && !ajax_redraw) { woof_ajax_first_done = true; var data = { action: "woof_draw_products", link: link, page: woof_ajax_page_num, shortcode: jQuery('#woof_results_by_ajax').data('shortcode'), woof_shortcode: jQuery('div.woof').data('shortcode'), nonce_filter: woof_front_nonce }; jQuery.post(woof_ajaxurl, data, function (content) { content = JSON.parse(content); woof_before_ajax_form_redrawing(); if (jQuery('.woof_results_by_ajax_shortcode').length) { if (typeof content.products != "undefined") { jQuery('#woof_results_by_ajax').replaceWith(content.products); /* compatibility found products count*/ var found_count = jQuery('.woof_found_count'); jQuery(found_count).show(); if (found_count.length > 0) { var count_prod = jQuery("#woof_results_by_ajax").data('count'); if (typeof count_prod != "undefined") { jQuery(found_count).text(count_prod); } } } } else { if (typeof content.products != "undefined") { jQuery('.woof_shortcode_output').replaceWith(content.products); } } if (typeof content.additional_fields != "undefined") { jQuery.each(content.additional_fields, function (selector, html_data) { if (typeof woof_additional_fields[selector] == 'undefined') { woof_additional_fields[selector] = jQuery(selector); } jQuery(selector).replaceWith(html_data); }); //draw old values jQuery.each(woof_additional_fields, function (selector, html_data_old) { if (typeof content.additional_fields[selector] == 'undefined') { jQuery(selector).replaceWith(html_data_old); } }); } jQuery('div.woof_redraw_zone').replaceWith(jQuery(content.form).find('.woof_redraw_zone')); woof_draw_products_top_panel(); woof_mass_reinit(); woof_submit_link_locked = false; //removing id woof_results_by_ajax - multi in ajax mode sometimes //when uses shorcode woof_products in ajax and in settings try ajaxify shop is Yes jQuery.each(jQuery('#woof_results_by_ajax'), function (index, item) { if (index == 0) { return; } jQuery(item).removeAttr('id'); }); /*mobile behavior*/ //jQuery('.woof_hide_mobile_filter').trigger('click'); jQuery('.woof').removeClass('woof_show_filter_for_mobile'); //infinite scroll woof_infinite(); //*** script after ajax loading here woof_js_after_ajax_done(); //*** change link in button "add to cart" woof_change_link_addtocart(); /*tooltip*/ woof_init_tooltip(); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('woof-ajax-form-redrawing', {detail: { link: link }})); }); } else { if (ajax_redraw) { //redrawing [woof ajax_redraw=1] only var data = { action: "woof_draw_products", link: link, page: 1, shortcode: 'woof_nothing', //we do not need get any products, seacrh form data only woof_shortcode: jQuery('div.woof').eq(0).data('shortcode'), nonce_filter: woof_front_nonce }; jQuery.post(woof_ajaxurl, data, function (content) { woof_before_ajax_form_redrawing(); content = JSON.parse(content); jQuery('div.woof_redraw_zone').replaceWith(jQuery(content.form).find('.woof_redraw_zone')); woof_mass_reinit(); woof_submit_link_locked = false; /*tooltip*/ woof_init_tooltip(); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('woof-ajax-form-redrawing', {detail: { link: link }})); }); } else { window.location = link; woof_show_info_popup(woof_lang_loading); } } } function woof_remove_empty_elements() { // lets check for empty drop-downs jQuery.each(jQuery('.woof_container select'), function (index, select) { var size = jQuery(select).find('option').length; if (size === 0) { jQuery(select).parents('.woof_container').remove(); } }); //+++ // lets check for empty checkboxes, radio, color conatiners jQuery.each(jQuery('ul.woof_list'), function (index, ch) { var size = jQuery(ch).find('li').length; if (size === 0) { jQuery(ch).parents('.woof_container').remove(); } }); jQuery.each(jQuery('.woof_container .woof_list_sd'), function (index, ch) { var size = jQuery(ch).find('.woof-sd-ie').length; if (size === 0) { jQuery(ch).parents('.woof_container').remove(); } }); } function woof_get_submit_link() { //filter woof_current_values values if (woof_is_ajax) { woof_current_values.page = woof_ajax_page_num; } //+++ if (Object.keys(woof_current_values).length > 0) { jQuery.each(woof_current_values, function (index, value) { if (index == swoof_search_slug) { delete woof_current_values[index]; } if (index == 's') { delete woof_current_values[index]; } if (index == 'product') { //for single product page (when no permalinks) delete woof_current_values[index]; } if (index == 'really_curr_tax') { delete woof_current_values[index]; } }); } //*** if (Object.keys(woof_current_values).length === 2) { if (('min_price' in woof_current_values) && ('max_price' in woof_current_values)) { woof_current_page_link = woof_current_page_link.replace(new RegExp(/page\/(\d+)/), ""); var l = woof_current_page_link + '?min_price=' + woof_current_values.min_price + '&max_price=' + woof_current_values.max_price; 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