( function( theme, $ ) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
$.extend( theme, {
mfpConfig: {
tClose: js_porto_vars.popup_close,
tLoading: '
gallery: {
tPrev: js_porto_vars.popup_prev,
tNext: js_porto_vars.popup_next,
tCounter: js_porto_vars.mfp_counter
image: {
tError: js_porto_vars.mfp_img_error
ajax: {
tError: js_porto_vars.mfp_ajax_error
callbacks: {
open: function() {
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'lightbox-opened' );
var fixed = this.st.fixedContentPos;
if ( fixed ) {
$( '#header.sticky-header .header-main.sticky, #header.sticky-header .main-menu-wrap, .fixed-header #header.sticky-header .header-main, .fixed-header #header.sticky-header .main-menu-wrap' ).css( theme.rtl_browser ? 'left' : 'right', theme.getScrollbarWidth() );
/* D3-Ahsan - Start */
var that = $( this._lastFocusedEl );
if ( ( that.closest( '.portfolios-lightbox' ).hasClass( 'with-thumbs' ) ) && $( document ).width() >= 1024 ) {
var portfolio_lightbox_thumbnails_base = that.closest( '.portfolios-lightbox.with-thumbs' ).find( '.porto-portfolios-lighbox-thumbnails' ).clone(),
magnificPopup = $.magnificPopup.instance;
$( 'body' ).prepend( portfolio_lightbox_thumbnails_base );
var $portfolios_lightbox_thumbnails = $( 'body > .porto-portfolios-lighbox-thumbnails' ),
$portfolios_lightbox_thumbnails_carousel = $portfolios_lightbox_thumbnails.children( '.owl-carousel' );
$portfolios_lightbox_thumbnails_carousel.themeCarousel( $portfolios_lightbox_thumbnails_carousel.data( 'plugin-options' ) );
$portfolios_lightbox_thumbnails_carousel.trigger( 'refresh.owl.carousel' );
var $carousel_items_wrapper = $portfolios_lightbox_thumbnails_carousel.find( '.owl-stage' );
$carousel_items_wrapper.find( '.owl-item' ).removeClass( 'current' );
$carousel_items_wrapper.find( '.owl-item' ).eq( magnificPopup.currItem.index ).addClass( 'current' );
$.magnificPopup.instance.next = function() {
var magnificPopup = $.magnificPopup.instance;
$.magnificPopup.proto.next.call( this );
$carousel_items_wrapper.find( '.owl-item' ).removeClass( 'current' );
$carousel_items_wrapper.find( '.owl-item' ).eq( magnificPopup.currItem.index ).addClass( 'current' );
$.magnificPopup.instance.prev = function() {
var magnificPopup = $.magnificPopup.instance;
$.magnificPopup.proto.prev.call( this );
$carousel_items_wrapper.find( '.owl-item' ).removeClass( 'current' );
$carousel_items_wrapper.find( '.owl-item' ).eq( magnificPopup.currItem.index ).addClass( 'current' );
$carousel_items_wrapper.find( '.owl-item' ).on( 'click', function() {
$carousel_items_wrapper.find( '.owl-item' ).removeClass( 'current' );
$.magnificPopup.instance.goTo( $( this ).index() );
$( this ).addClass( 'current' );
} );
/* End - D3-Ahsan */
close: function() {
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'lightbox-opened' );
var fixed = this.st.fixedContentPos;
if ( fixed ) {
$( '#header.sticky-header .header-main.sticky, #header.sticky-header .main-menu-wrap, .fixed-header #header.sticky-header .header-main, .fixed-header #header.sticky-header .main-menu-wrap' ).css( theme.rtl_browser ? 'left' : 'right', '' );
$( '.owl-carousel .owl-stage' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this ),
w = $this.width() + parseInt( $this.css( 'padding-left' ) ) + parseInt( $this.css( 'padding-right' ) );
$this.css( { 'width': w + 200 } );
setTimeout( function() {
$this.css( { 'width': w } );
}, 0 );
} );
/* D3-Ahsan - Start */
var that = $( this._lastFocusedEl );
if ( ( that.parents( '.portfolios-lightbox' ).hasClass( 'with-thumbs' ) ) && $( document ).width() >= 1024 ) {
$( ' body > .porto-portfolios-lighbox-thumbnails' ).remove();
/* End - D3-Ahsan */
} );
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
// Search
( function( theme, $ ) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
$.extend( theme, {
Search: {
defaults: {
popup: $( '.searchform-popup' ),
form: $( '.searchform' )
initialize: function( $popup, $form ) {
this.$popup = ( $popup || this.defaults.popup );
this.$form = ( $form || this.defaults.form );
this.form_layout = this.$form.hasClass( 'search-layout-overlay' ) ? 'overlay' : this.$form.hasClass( 'search-layout-reveal' ) ? 'reveal' : false;
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this;
/* Change search form values */
var $search_form_texts = self.$form.find( '.text input' ),
$search_form_cats = self.$form.find( '.cat' );
if ( $( '.searchform .cat' ).get( 0 ) && $.fn.selectric ) {
$( '.searchform .cat' ).selectric( {
arrowButtonMarkup: '',
expandToItemText: true,
maxHeight: 240
} );
$search_form_texts.on( 'change', function() {
var $this = $( this ),
val = $this.val();
$search_form_texts.each( function() {
if ( $this != $( this ) ) $( this ).val( val );
} );
} );
$search_form_cats.on( 'change', function() {
var $this = $( this ),
val = $this.val();
$search_form_cats.each( function() {
if ( $this != $( this ) ) $( this ).val( val );
} );
} );
return this;
events: function() {
var self = this;
$( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.searchform-popup', function( e ) {
} );
$( 'body' ).off( 'click', '.searchform-popup .search-toggle' ).on( 'click', '.searchform-popup .search-toggle', function( e ) {
var $this = $( this ),
$form = $this.next();
$this.toggleClass( 'opened' );
if ( 'overlay' == self.form_layout ) {
$this.siblings( '.search-layout-overlay' ).addClass( 'show' );
$( 'html' ).toggleClass( 'porto-search-opened porto-search-overlay-wrap' );
$this.closest( '.vc_row.vc_row-flex>.vc_column_container>.vc_column-inner' ).css( 'z-index', '999' );
} else if ( 'reveal' == self.form_layout ) {
self.parents = [];
var $element = self.$popup;
while ( ! ( ( $element.hasClass( 'elementor-container' ) && ! $element.parent().hasClass( 'elementor-inner-container' ) ) || ( $element.hasClass( 'e-con-inner' ) && ! $element.parent().hasClass( 'e-child' ) ) || ( $element.parent().hasClass( 'vc_row' ) && ! $element.parent().hasClass( 'vc_inner' ) ) || 'header' == $element.parent().attr( 'id' ) || $element.parent().hasClass( 'header-main' ) || $element.parent().hasClass( 'header-top' ) || $element.parent().hasClass( 'header-bottom' ) ) ) {
$element = $element.parent();
$element.addClass( 'position-static' );
self.parents.push( $element );
if ( 'static' == $element.parent().css( 'position' ) ) {
self.topParent = $element.parent();
self.topParent.addClass( 'position-relative' );
window.setTimeout( function () {
$( 'body' ).toggleClass( 'porto-search-opened' );
}, 100 );
} else {
if ( $this.hasClass( 'opened' ) ) {
$( '#mini-cart.open' ).removeClass( 'open' );
$this.next().find( 'input[type="text"]' ).focus();
if ( self.$popup.find( '.btn-close-search-form' ).length ) {
self.$popup.parent().addClass( 'position-static' );
} else if ( 'reveal' == self.form_layout ) {
} );
$( 'html,body' ).on( 'click', function() {
} );
if ( !( 'ontouchstart' in document ) ) {
$( window ).on( 'resize', function() {
} );
$( '.btn-close-search-form' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
} );
return self;
removeFormStyle: function() {
this.$form.removeAttr( 'style' );
var $searchToggle = this.$popup.find( '.search-toggle' );
$searchToggle.removeClass( 'opened' );
if ( 'overlay' == this.form_layout ) {
$( 'html' ).removeClass( 'porto-search-opened porto-search-overlay-wrap' );
$searchToggle.siblings( '.search-layout-overlay' ).removeClass( 'show' );
$searchToggle.closest( '.vc_row.vc_row-flex>.vc_column_container>.vc_column-inner' ).css( 'z-index', '' );
} else if ( 'reveal' == this.form_layout && this.parents && this.parents.length >= 1 ) {
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'porto-search-opened' );
this.parents.forEach( $element => {
$element.removeClass( 'position-static' );
if ( this.topParent ) {
this.topParent.removeClass( 'position-relative' );
if ( this.$popup.find( '.btn-close-search-form' ).length ) {
this.$popup.parent().removeClass( 'position-static' );
} );
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
// Animate
( function( theme, $ ) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__animate';
var Animate = function( $el, opts ) {
return this.initialize( $el, opts );
Animate.defaults = {
accX: 0,
accY: -120,
delay: 1,
duration: 1000
Animate.prototype = {
initialize: function( $el, opts ) {
if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
.setOptions( opts )
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data( instanceName, true );
return this;
setOptions: function( opts ) {
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, Animate.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
} );
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this,
$el = this.options.wrapper,
delay = 0,
duration = 0;
if ( $el.data( 'appear-animation-svg' ) ) {
$el.find( '[data-appear-animation]' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this ),
var pluginOptions = theme.getOptions( $this.data( 'plugin-options' ) );
if ( pluginOptions )
opts = pluginOptions;
$this.themeAnimate( opts );
} );
return this;
$el.addClass( 'appear-animation' );
var el_obj = $el.get( 0 );
delay = Math.abs( $el.data( 'appear-animation-delay' ) ? $el.data( 'appear-animation-delay' ) : self.options.delay );
duration = Math.abs( $el.data( 'appear-animation-duration' ) ? $el.data( 'appear-animation-duration' ) : self.options.duration );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof $el.data( 'appear-animation' ) && $el.data( 'appear-animation' ).includes( 'revealDir' ) ) {
if ( delay > 1 ) {
el_obj.style.setProperty( '--porto-reveal-animation-delay', delay + 'ms' );
if ( duration != 1000 ) {
el_obj.style.setProperty( '--porto-reveal-animation-duration', duration + 'ms' );
if ( $el.data( 'animation-reveal-clr' ) ) {
el_obj.style.setProperty( '--porto-reveal-clr', $el.data( 'animation-reveal-clr' ) );
} else {
if ( delay > 1 ) {
el_obj.style.animationDelay = delay + 'ms';
if ( duration != 1000 ) {
el_obj.style.animationDuration = duration + 'ms';
/*if ( $el.find( '.porto-lazyload:not(.lazy-load-loaded)' ).length ) {
$el.find( '.porto-lazyload:not(.lazy-load-loaded)' ).trigger( 'appear' );
$el.addClass( $el.data( 'appear-animation' ) + ' appear-animation-visible' );
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend( theme, {
Animate: Animate
} );
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeAnimate = function( opts ) {
return this.map( function() {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.data( instanceName ) ) {
return $this;
} else {
return new theme.Animate( $this, opts );
} );
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
// Animated Letters
( function( theme, $ ) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__animatedLetters';
var PluginAnimatedLetters = function( $el, opts ) {
return this.initialize( $el, opts );
PluginAnimatedLetters.defaults = {
contentType: 'letter',
animationName: 'typeWriter',
animationSpeed: 50,
startDelay: 500,
minWindowWidth: 768,
letterClass: '',
wordClass: ''
PluginAnimatedLetters.prototype = {
initialize: function( $el, opts ) {
if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) {
return this;
var self = this;
this.$el = $el;
this.initialText = $el.text();
this.timeoutId = null;
.setOptions( opts )
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data( instanceName, this );
return this;
setOptions: function( opts ) {
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginAnimatedLetters.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
} );
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this,
letters = self.$el.text().split( '' );
if ( $( window ).width() < self.options.minWindowWidth ) {
self.$el.addClass( 'initialized' );
return this;
if ( self.options.firstLoadNoAnim ) {
self.$el.css( {
visibility: 'visible'
} );
// Inside Carousel
if ( self.$el.closest( '.owl-carousel' ).get( 0 ) ) {
setTimeout( function() {
self.$el.closest( '.owl-carousel' ).on( 'change.owl.carousel', function() {
self.options.firstLoadNoAnim = false;
} );
}, 500 );
return this;
// Add class to show
self.$el.addClass( 'initialized' );
// Set Min Height to avoid flicking issues
if ( self.options.contentType == 'letter' ) {
self.$el.text( '' );
if ( self.options.animationName == 'typeWriter' ) {
self.$el.append( '' );
var index = 0;
var timeout = function() {
var st = setTimeout( function() {
var letter = letters[index];
self.$el.find( '.letters-wrapper' ).append( '' + letter + '' );
}, self.options.animationSpeed );
if ( index >= letters.length ) {
clearTimeout( st );
} else {
this.timeoutId = setTimeout( function() {
for ( var i = 0; i < letters.length; i++ ) {
var letter = letters[i];
self.$el.append( '' + ( letter
== ' ' ? ' ' : letter ) + '' );
}, self.options.startDelay );
} else if ( self.options.contentType == 'word' ) {
var words = self.$el.text().split( " " ),
delay = self.options.startDelay;
$.each( words, function( i, v ) {
self.$el.append( $( '' ).html( '' + v + ' ' ) );
delay = delay + self.options.animationSpeed;
} );
if ( $.isFunction( $.fn['themeAnimate'] ) && self.$el.find( '.animated-words-item[data-appear-animation]' ).length ) {
self.$el.find( '[data-appear-animation]' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this ),
var pluginOptions = theme.getOptions( $this.data( 'plugin-options' ) );
if ( pluginOptions )
opts = pluginOptions;
$this.themeAnimate( opts );
} );
self.$el.addClass( 'initialized' );
return this;
setMinHeight: function() {
var self = this;
// if it's inside carousel
if ( self.$el.closest( '.owl-carousel' ).get( 0 ) ) {
self.$el.closest( '.owl-carousel' ).addClass( 'd-block' );
self.$el.css( 'min-height', self.$el.height() );
self.$el.closest( '.owl-carousel' ).removeClass( 'd-block' );
} else {
self.$el.css( 'min-height', self.$el.height() );
return this;
destroy: function() {
var self = this;
.html( self.initialText )
.css( 'min-height', '' );
if ( this.timeoutId ) {
clearTimeout( this.timeoutId );
this.timeoutId = null;
return this;
events: function() {
var self = this;
// Destroy
self.$el.on( 'animated.letters.destroy', function() {
} );
// Initialize
self.$el.on( 'animated.letters.initialize', function() {
} );
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend( theme, {
PluginAnimatedLetters: PluginAnimatedLetters
} );
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themePluginAnimatedLetters = function( opts ) {
return this.map( function() {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.data( instanceName ) ) {
return $this.data( instanceName );
} else {
return new PluginAnimatedLetters( $this, opts );
} );
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
// Carousel
if ( typeof jQuery.fn.owlCarousel == 'function' ) {
( function( theme, $ ) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__carousel';
var Carousel = function( $el, opts ) {
return this.initialize( $el, opts );
Carousel.defaults = $.extend( {}, {
loop: true,
navText: [],
themeConfig: false,
lazyLoad: true,
lg: 0,
md: 0,
sm: 0,
xs: 0,
single: false,
rtl: theme.rtl
} );
Carousel.prototype = {
initialize: function( $el, opts ) {
if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
.setOptions( opts )
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data( instanceName, true );
return this;
setOptions: function( opts ) {
if ( ( opts && opts.themeConfig ) || !opts ) {
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, Carousel.defaults, theme.owlConfig, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el,
themeConfig: true
} );
} else {
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, Carousel.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
} );
return this;
calcOwlHeight: function( $el ) {
var h = 0;
$el.find( '.owl-item.active' ).each( function() {
if ( h < $( this ).height() )
h = $( this ).height();
} );
$el.children( '.owl-stage-outer' ).height( h );
build: function() {
if ( !$.fn.owlCarousel ) {
return this;
var $el = this.options.wrapper,
loop = this.options.loop,
lg = this.options.lg,
md = this.options.md,
sm = this.options.sm,
xs = this.options.xs,
single = this.options.single,
zoom = $el.find( '.zoom' ).filter( function() {
if ( $( this ).closest( '.tb-image-type-slider' ).length ) {
return false;
return true;
} ).get( 0 ),
responsive = {},
count = $el.find( '.owl-item' ).length > 0 ? $el.find( '.owl-item:not(.cloned)' ).length : $el.find( '> *' ).length,
fullscreen = typeof this.options.fullscreen == 'undefined' ? false : this.options.fullscreen;
/*if (fullscreen) {
$el.children().width(window.innerWidth - theme.getScrollbarWidth());
$el.children().height($el.closest('.fullscreen-carousel').length ? $el.closest('.fullscreen-carousel').height() : window.innerHeight);
$el.children().css('max-height', '100%');
$(window).on('resize', function() {
$el.find('.owl-item').children().width(window.innerWidth - theme.getScrollbarWidth());
$el.find('.owl-item').children().height($el.closest('.fullscreen-carousel').length ? $el.closest('.fullscreen-carousel').height() : window.innerHeight);
$el.find('.owl-item').children().css('max-height', '100%');
if ( single ) {
items = 1;
} else if ( typeof this.options.responsive != 'undefined' ) {
for ( var w in this.options.responsive ) {
var number_items = Number( this.options.responsive[w] );
responsive[Number( w )] = { items: number_items, loop: ( loop && count >= number_items ) ? true : false };
} else {
items = this.options.items ? this.options.items : ( lg ? lg : 1 );
var isResponsive = ( this.options.xxl || this.options.xl || lg || md || sm || xs );
if ( isResponsive ) {
if ( this.options.xxl ) {
responsive[theme.screen_xxl] = { items: this.options.xxl, loop: ( loop && count > this.options.xxl ) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit };
} else if ( lg && items > lg + 1 ) {
responsive[theme.screen_xxl] = { items: items, loop: ( loop && count > items ) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit };
responsive[theme.screen_xl] = { items: lg + 1, loop: ( loop && count > lg + 1 ) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit };
if ( this.options.xl ) {
responsive[theme.screen_xl] = { items: this.options.xl, loop: ( loop && count > this.options.xl ) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit };
} else if ( typeof responsive[theme.screen_xl] == 'undefined' && ( ! lg || items != lg ) ) {
responsive[theme.screen_xl] = { items: items, loop: ( loop && count >= items ) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit };
if ( lg ) responsive[992] = { items: lg, loop: ( loop && count >= lg ) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit_lg };
if ( md ) responsive[768] = { items: md, loop: ( loop && count > md ) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit_md };
if ( sm ) {
responsive[576] = { items: sm, loop: ( loop && count > sm ) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit_sm };
} else {
if ( xs && xs > 1 ) {
responsive[576] = { items: xs, loop: ( loop && count > xs ) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit_sm };
} else {
responsive[576] = { items: 1, mergeFit: false };
if ( xs ) {
responsive[0] = { items: xs, loop: ( loop && count > xs ) ? true : false, mergeFit: this.options.mergeFit_xs };
} else {
responsive[0] = { items: 1 };
if ( !$el.hasClass( 'show-nav-title' ) && this.options.themeConfig && theme.slider_nav && theme.slider_nav_hover ) {
$el.addClass( 'show-nav-hover' );
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, this.options, {
items: items,
loop: ( loop && count > items ) ? true : false,
responsive: responsive,
onInitialized: function() {
if ( $el.hasClass( 'stage-margin' ) ) {
$el.find( '.owl-stage-outer' ).css( {
'margin-left': this.options.stagePadding,
'margin-right': this.options.stagePadding
} );
var heading_cls = '.porto-u-heading, .vc_custom_heading, .slider-title, .elementor-widget-heading, .porto-heading';
if ( $el.hasClass( 'show-dots-title' ) && ( $el.prev( heading_cls ).length || $el.closest( '.slider-wrapper' ).prev( heading_cls ).length || $el.closest( '.porto-recent-posts' ).prev( heading_cls ).length || $el.closest( '.elementor-widget-porto_recent_posts, .elementor-section' ).prev( heading_cls ).length ) ) {
var $obj = $el.prev( heading_cls );
if ( !$obj.length ) {
$obj = $el.closest( '.slider-wrapper' ).prev( heading_cls );
if ( !$obj.length ) {
$obj = $el.closest( '.porto-recent-posts' ).prev( heading_cls );
if ( !$obj.length ) {
$obj = $el.closest( '.elementor-widget-porto_recent_posts, .elementor-section' ).prev( heading_cls );
try {
var innerWidth = $obj.addClass( 'w-auto' ).css( 'display', 'inline-block' ).width();
$obj.removeClass( 'w-auto' ).css( 'display', '' );
if ( innerWidth + 15 + $el.find( '.owl-dots' ).width() <= $obj.width() ) {
$el.find( '.owl-dots' ).css( ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'rtl' ) ? 'right' : 'left' ), innerWidth + 15 + ( $el.width() - $obj.width() ) / 2 );
$el.find( '.owl-dots' ).css( 'top', -1 * $obj.height() / 2 - parseInt( $obj.css( 'margin-bottom' ) ) - $el.find( '.owl-dots' ).height() / 2 + 2 );
} else {
$el.find( '.owl-dots' ).css( 'position', 'static' );
} catch ( e ) { }
} );
// Auto Height Fixes
if ( this.options.autoHeight ) {
var thisobj = this;
$( window ).on( 'resize', function() {
thisobj.calcOwlHeight( $el );
} );
if ( theme.isLoaded ) {
setTimeout( function() {
thisobj.calcOwlHeight( $el );
}, 100 );
} else {
$( window ).on( 'load', function() {
thisobj.calcOwlHeight( $el );
} );
var links = false;
if ( zoom ) {
links = [];
var i = 0;
$el.find( '.zoom' ).each( function() {
var slide = {},
$zoom = $( this );
slide.src = $zoom.data( 'src' ) ? $zoom.data( 'src' ) : $zoom.data( 'mfp-src' );
slide.title = $zoom.data( 'title' );
links[i] = slide;
$zoom.data( 'index', i );
} );
if ( $el.hasClass( 'show-nav-title' ) ) {
this.options.stagePadding = 0;
} else {
if ( this.options.themeConfig && theme.slider_nav && theme.slider_nav_hover )
$el.addClass( 'show-nav-hover' );
if ( this.options.themeConfig && !theme.slider_nav_hover && theme.slider_margin )
$el.addClass( 'stage-margin' );
if ( $el.hasClass( 'has-ccols-spacing' ) ) {
$el.removeClass( 'has-ccols-spacing' );
$el.owlCarousel( this.options );
if ( zoom && links ) {
$el.on( 'click', '.zoom', function( e ) {
if ( $.fn.magnificPopup ) {
var image_index = $( this ).data( 'index' );
if ( typeof image_index == 'undefined' ) {
image_index = ( $( this ).closest( '.owl-item' ).index() - $el.find( '.cloned' ).length / 2 ) % $el.data( 'owl.carousel' ).items().length;
$.magnificPopup.open( $.extend( true, {}, theme.mfpConfig, {
items: links,
gallery: {
enabled: true
type: 'image'
} ), image_index );
return false;
} );
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend( theme, {
Carousel: Carousel
} );
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeCarousel = function( opts, zoom ) {
return this.map( function() {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.data( instanceName ) ) {
return $this;
} else {
return new theme.Carousel( $this, opts, zoom );
} );
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
// Lightbox
( function( theme, $ ) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__lightbox';
var Lightbox = function( $el, opts ) {
return this.initialize( $el, opts );
Lightbox.defaults = {
callbacks: {
open: function() {
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'lightbox-opened' );
close: function() {
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'lightbox-opened' );
Lightbox.prototype = {
initialize: function( $el, opts ) {
if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
.setOptions( opts )
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data( instanceName, this );
return this;
setOptions: function( opts ) {
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, Lightbox.defaults, theme.mfpConfig, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
} );
return this;
build: function() {
if ( !$.fn.magnificPopup ) {
return this;
this.options.wrapper.magnificPopup( this.options );
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend( theme, {
Lightbox: Lightbox
} );
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeLightbox = function( opts ) {
return this.map( function() {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.data( instanceName ) ) {
return $this.data( instanceName );
} else {
return new theme.Lightbox( $this, opts );
} );
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
// Visual Composer Image Zoom
( function( theme, $ ) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__toggle';
var VcImageZoom = function( $el, opts ) {
return this.initialize( $el, opts );
VcImageZoom.defaults = {
VcImageZoom.prototype = {
initialize: function( $el, opts ) {
if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
.setOptions( opts )
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data( instanceName, this );
return this;
setOptions: function( opts ) {
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, VcImageZoom.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
} );
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this,
$el = this.options.container;
$el.parent().magnificPopup( $.extend( true, {}, theme.mfpConfig, {
delegate: ".porto-vc-zoom",
gallery: {
enabled: true
mainClass: 'mfp-with-zoom',
zoom: {
enabled: true,
duration: 300
type: 'image'
} ) );
return this;
// expose to scope
$.extend( theme, {
VcImageZoom: VcImageZoom
} );
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeVcImageZoom = function( opts ) {
return this.map( function() {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.data( instanceName ) ) {
return $this.data( instanceName );
} else {
return new theme.VcImageZoom( $this, opts );
} );
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
// Post Filter
( function( theme, $ ) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
$.extend( theme, {
PostFilter: {
cache: {
defaults: {
elements: '.portfolio-filter'
initialize: function( $elements, post_type ) {
this.$elements = ( $elements || $( this.defaults.elements ) );
this.build( post_type );
return this;
filterFn: function( e ) {
if ( typeof e == 'undefined' || typeof e.data == 'undefined' || typeof e.data.elements == 'undefined' || !e.data.elements || !e.data.elements.length ) {
var self = e.data.selfobj;
if ( self.isLoading ) {
return false;
var $this = e.data.thisobj,
$elements = e.data.elements,
position = e.data.position,
post_type = e.data.post_type,
$parent = e.data.parent,
$posts_wrap = e.data.posts_wrap,
use_ajax = e.data.use_ajax,
page_path = e.data.page_path,
infinite_load = e.data.infinite_load,
load_more = e.data.load_more;
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'active' ) ) {
self.isLoading = true;
var selector = $( this ).attr( 'data-filter' );
if ( 'sidebar' == position ) {
$( '.sidebar-overlay' ).trigger( 'click' );
$this.find( '.active' ).removeClass( 'active' );
if ( use_ajax ) {
var current_cat = '*' == selector ? '' : selector;
if ( !page_path ) {
page_path = $posts_wrap.data( 'page_path' );
if ( page_path ) {
$posts_wrap.data( 'page_path', page_path.replace( /&category=[^&]*&/, '&category=' + current_cat + '&' ) );
$( this ).addClass( 'active' );
self.load_posts( current_cat, infinite_load || load_more ? true : false, $parent, post_type, $posts_wrap, undefined, $( this ).children( 'a' ).attr( 'href' ) );
} else if ( 'faq' == post_type ) {
$parent.find( '.faq' ).each( function() {
var $that = $( this ), easing = "easeInOutQuart", timeout = 300;
if ( selector == '*' ) {
if ( $that.css( 'display' ) == 'none' ) $that.stop( true ).slideDown( timeout, easing, function() {
$( this ).attr( 'style', '' ).show();
} );
} else {
if ( $that.hasClass( selector ) ) {
if ( $that.css( 'display' ) == 'none' ) $that.stop( true ).slideDown( timeout, easing, function() {
$( this ).attr( 'style', '' ).show();
} );
} else {
if ( $that.css( 'display' ) != 'none' ) $that.stop( true ).slideUp( timeout, easing, function() {
$( this ).attr( 'style', '' ).hide();
} );
} );
if ( !selected && $parent.find( '.faqs-infinite' ).length && typeof ( $.fn.infinitescroll ) != 'undefined' ) {
$parent.find( '.faqs-infinite' ).infinitescroll( 'retrieve' );
} else if ( $parent.hasClass( 'portfolios-timeline' ) ) {
var selected = 0;
$parent.find( '.portfolio' ).each( function() {
var $that = $( this ), easing = "easeInOutQuart", timeout = 300;
if ( selector == '*' ) {
if ( $that.css( 'display' ) == 'none' ) $that.stop( true ).slideDown( timeout, easing, function() {
$( this ).attr( 'style', '' ).show();
} );
} else {
if ( $that.hasClass( selector ) ) {
if ( $that.css( 'display' ) == 'none' ) $that.stop( true ).slideDown( timeout, easing, function() {
$( this ).attr( 'style', '' ).show();
} );
} else {
if ( $that.css( 'display' ) != 'none' ) $that.stop( true ).slideUp( timeout, easing, function() {
$( this ).attr( 'style', '' ).hide();
} );
} );
if ( !selected && $parent.find( '.portfolios-infinite' ).length && typeof ( $.fn.infinitescroll ) != 'undefined' ) {
$parent.find( '.portfolios-infinite' ).infinitescroll( 'retrieve' );
setTimeout( function() {
theme.FilterZoom.initialize( $parent );
}, 400 );
} else {
$parent.find( '.' + post_type + '-row' ).isotope( {
filter: selector == '*' ? selector : '.' + selector
} );
if ( !use_ajax ) {
$( this ).addClass( 'active' );
self.isLoading = false;
if ( position == 'sidebar' ) {
self.$elements.each( function() {
var $that = $( this );
if ( $that == $this && $that.data( 'position' ) != 'sidebar' ) return;
$that.find( 'li' ).removeClass( 'active' );
$that.find( 'li[data-filter="' + selector + '"]' ).addClass( 'active' );
} );
if ( !use_ajax ) {
window.location.hash = '#' + selector;
return false;
build: function( post_type_param ) {
var self = this;
self.$elements.each( function() {
var $this = $( this ),
position = $this.data( 'position' ),
if ( typeof post_type_param == 'undefined' ) {
if ( $this.hasClass( 'member-filter' ) ) {
post_type = 'member';
} else if ( $this.hasClass( 'faq-filter' ) ) {
post_type = 'faq';
} else if ( $this.hasClass( 'product-filter' ) ) {
post_type = 'product';
} else if ( $this.hasClass( 'post-filter' ) ) {
post_type = 'post';
} else if ( $this.hasClass( 'portfolio-filter' ) ) {
post_type = 'portfolio';
} else {
post_type = $this.attr( 'data-filter-type' );
} else {
post_type = post_type_param;
if ( 'sidebar' == position ) {
$parent = $( '.main-content .page-' + post_type + 's' );
} else if ( 'global' == position ) {
$parent = $( '.main-content .page-' + post_type + 's' );
} else {
$parent = $this.closest( '.page-' + post_type + 's' );
if ( !$parent.length ) {
$parent = $this.closest( '.porto-posts-grid' );
if ( !$parent || !$parent.length ) {
var use_ajax = $this.hasClass( 'porto-ajax-filter' ),
infinite_load = $parent.hasClass( 'load-infinite' ),
load_more = $parent.hasClass( 'load-more' );
var $posts_wrap = $parent.find( '.' + post_type + 's-container' ),
if ( use_ajax && ( ( !infinite_load && !load_more ) || !$parent.data( 'ajax_load_options' ) ) ) {
var current_url = window.location.href;
if ( -1 !== current_url.indexOf( '#' ) ) {
current_url = current_url.split( '#' )[0];
page_path = theme.ajax_url + ( -1 === theme.ajax_url.indexOf( '?' ) ? '?' : '&' ) + 'action=porto_ajax_posts&nonce=' + js_porto_vars.porto_nonce + '&post_type=' + post_type + '¤t_link=' + current_url + '&category=&page=%cur_page%';
if ( $parent.data( 'post_layout' ) ) {
page_path += '&post_layout=' + $parent.data( 'post_layout' );
$posts_wrap.data( 'page_path', page_path );
$this.find( 'li' ).on( 'click', { thisobj: $this, selfobj: self, elements: self.$elements, position: position, parent: $parent, post_type: post_type, posts_wrap: $posts_wrap, use_ajax: use_ajax, page_path: page_path, infinite_load: infinite_load, load_more: load_more }, self.filterFn );
} );
$( window ).on( 'hashchange', { elements: self.$elements }, self.hashchange );
self.hashchange( { data: { elements: self.$elements } } );
return self;
hashchange: function( e ) {
if ( typeof e == 'undefined' || typeof e.data == 'undefined' || typeof e.data.elements == 'undefined' || !e.data.elements || !e.data.elements.length ) {
var $elements = e.data.elements,
$filter = $( $elements.get( 0 ) ),
hash = window.location.hash;
if ( hash ) {
var $o = $filter.find( 'li[data-filter="' + hash.replace( '#', '' ) + '"]' );
if ( !$o.hasClass( 'active' ) ) {
$o.trigger( 'click' );
set_elements: function( $elements ) {
var self = this;
if ( typeof $elements == 'undefined' || !$elements || !$elements.length ) {
self.destroy( self.$elements );
self.$elements = $elements;
$( window ).off( 'hashchange', self.hashchange ).on( 'hashchange', { elements: $elements }, self.hashchange );
destroy: function( $elements ) {
if ( typeof $elements == 'undefined' || !$elements || !$elements.length ) {
var self = this;
$elements.find( 'li' ).off( 'click', self.filterFn );
$( window ).off( 'hashchange', self.hashchange );
load_posts: function( cat, is_infinite, $parent, post_type, $posts_wrap, default_args, page_url ) {
var _gridcookie = '';
if ( $parent.hasClass( 'archive-products' ) ) {
_gridcookie = new URLSearchParams( location.search.substring( 1 ) ).get( 'gridcookie' );
if ( ! ( _gridcookie == null || _gridcookie == '' || _gridcookie == 'grid' ) ) {
page_url = theme.addUrlParam( page_url, 'gridcookie', _gridcookie );
var pid = $parent.attr( 'id' ),
self = this,
is_archive = $parent.hasClass( 'archive-posts' ),
successfn = function( res, directcall ) {
if ( !res ) {
if ( ( typeof directcall == 'undefined' || true !== directcall ) && typeof default_args == 'undefined' && pid ) {
if ( !self.cache[pid] ) {
self.cache[pid] = {};
self.cache[pid][cat + _gridcookie] = res;
var $res = $( res ),
is_shop = $parent.hasClass( 'archive-products' ),
$posts = $res.find( is_archive ? '.archive-posts .posts-wrap' : '.posts-wrap' ).children();
if ( !$posts.length ) {
if ( typeof $posts_wrap == 'undefined' || is_archive ) {
$posts_wrap = $parent.find( '.' + post_type + 's-container' );
if ( !$posts_wrap.length ) {
if ( $posts_wrap.data( 'isotope' ) ) {
$posts_wrap.isotope( 'remove', $posts_wrap.children() );
} else {
if ( $posts_wrap.hasClass( 'owl-loaded' ) ) {
$posts_wrap.removeClass( 'owl-loaded' );
$posts.children().addClass( 'fadeInUp animated' );
$posts_wrap.append( $posts );
theme.refreshVCContent( $posts );
// filter
var $old_filter = $parent.find( '.' + post_type + '-filter' );
if ( $old_filter.length && !$old_filter.hasClass( 'porto-ajax-filter' ) && !$parent.hasClass( 'load-infinite' ) && !$parent.hasClass( 'load-more' ) ) {
var $new_filter = $res.find( ( is_archive ? '.archive-posts ' : '' ) + '.' + post_type + '-filter' );
if ( $new_filter.length ) {
$old_filter.find( 'li:first-child' ).trigger( 'click' );
theme.PostFilter.destroy( $old_filter );
$old_filter.replaceWith( $new_filter );
//$new_filter = $parent.find( '.' + post_type + '-filter' );
theme.PostFilter.initialize( $new_filter, post_type );
theme.PostFilter.set_elements( $( 'ul[data-filter-type], ul.portfolio-filter, ul.member-filter, ul.faq-filter, .porto-ajax-filter.product-filter, .porto-ajax-filter.post-filter' ) );
porto_init( $parent );
var behavior_action = '';
if ( post_type != 'product' && post_type != 'member' && post_type != 'faq' && post_type != 'portfolio' && post_type != 'post' ) {
behavior_action = 'ptu';
} else {
behavior_action = post_type;
theme.PostsInfinite[behavior_action + 'Behavior']( $posts, $posts_wrap );
// init CountDown
$( document.body ).trigger( 'porto_init_countdown', [$posts_wrap] );
// pagination
var $old_pagination = $parent.find( '.pagination-wrap' ),
$new_pagination = $res.find( ( is_archive ? '.archive-posts ' : '' ) + '.pagination-wrap' ).eq( 0 ),
has_pagination = false,
nst_pagination = false;
if ( $old_pagination.length ) {
if ( $new_pagination.length ) {
$old_pagination.replaceWith( $new_pagination );
has_pagination = true;
nst_pagination = true;
} else {
} else if ( $new_pagination.length ) {
$parent.append( $new_pagination );
has_pagination = true;
nst_pagination = true;
if ( is_shop ) { // shop builder with counter per page widget
let _paginationWrap = $( '.woocommerce-pagination' );
var $old_pagination = _paginationWrap.find( 'ul.page-numbers' ),
$new_pagination = $res.find( '.woocommerce-pagination ul.page-numbers' ).eq( 0 ),
has_pagination = false;
if ( $old_pagination.length ) {
if ( $new_pagination.length ) {
$old_pagination.replaceWith( $new_pagination );
has_pagination = true;
} else {
} else if ( $new_pagination.length ) {
_paginationWrap.append( $new_pagination );
has_pagination = true;
if ( is_infinite ) {
var infinitescroll_ins = $posts_wrap.data( 'infinitescroll' );
if ( has_pagination || ( is_shop && nst_pagination ) ) {
var $new_posts_wrap = $res.find( is_archive ? '.archive-posts .posts-wrap' : '.posts-wrap' );
if ( $new_posts_wrap.data( 'cur_page' ) ) {
$posts_wrap.data( 'cur_page', $new_posts_wrap.data( 'cur_page' ) );
$posts_wrap.data( 'max_page', $new_posts_wrap.data( 'max_page' ) );
var should_init_again = true;
if ( infinitescroll_ins ) {
if ( infinitescroll_ins.options.state.isDestroyed ) {
$posts_wrap.removeData( 'infinitescroll' );
} else {
should_init_again = false;
if ( $new_posts_wrap.data( 'cur_page' ) ) {
infinitescroll_ins.update( {
maxPage: $new_posts_wrap.data( 'max_page' ),
state: {
currPage: $new_posts_wrap.data( 'cur_page' )
} );
if ( infinitescroll_ins.options.state.isPaused ) {
if ( should_init_again ) {
var ins = $posts_wrap.data( '__postsinfinite' );
if ( ins ) {
var selector_product = '.' + post_type + ', .timeline-date';
if ( is_shop ) {
selector_product = '.archive-products .products';
if ( $( '.elementor-widget-wc-archive-products' ).length ) {
selector_product = '.elementor-widget-wc-archive-products .products';
new theme.PostsInfinite( $posts_wrap, selector_product, $posts_wrap.data( 'infiniteoptions' ), post_type );
if ( is_archive ) {
var page_path = $posts_wrap.siblings( '.pagination-wrap' ).find( '.next' ).attr( 'href' );
if ( page_path ) {
page_path += ( -1 !== page_path.indexOf( '?' ) ? '&' : '?' ) + 'portoajax=1&load_posts_only=2';
page_path = page_path.replace( /(paged=)(\d+)|(page\/)(\d+)/, '$1$3%cur_page%' );
$posts_wrap.data( 'page_path', page_path );
var selector_product = '.' + post_type + ', .timeline-date';
if ( is_shop ) {
selector_product = '.archive-products .products';
if ( $( '.elementor-widget-wc-archive-products' ).length ) {
selector_product = '.elementor-widget-wc-archive-products .products';
new theme.PostsInfinite( $posts_wrap, selector_product, $posts_wrap.data( 'infiniteoptions' ), post_type );
// in archive page
if ( is_archive ) {
// update widgets
$( '.sidebar-content' ).each( function( index ) {
var $this = $( this ),
$that = $( $res.find( '.sidebar-content' ).get( index ) );
$this.html( $that.html() );
// in shop
if ( is_shop ) {
if ( typeof updateSelect2 != 'undefined' && updateSelect2 ) {
// Use Select2 enhancement if possible
if ( jQuery().selectWoo ) {
var porto_wc_layered_nav_select = function() {
$this.find( 'select.woocommerce-widget-layered-nav-dropdown' ).each( function() {
$( this ).selectWoo( {
placeholder: $( this ).find( 'option' ).eq( 0 ).text(),
minimumResultsForSearch: 5,
width: '100%',
allowClear: typeof $( this ).attr( 'multiple' ) != 'undefined' && $( this ).attr( 'multiple' ) == 'multiple' ? 'false' : 'true'
} );
} );
$( 'body' ).children( 'span.select2-container' ).remove();
} );
// in shop
if ( is_shop ) {
var $script = $res.filter( 'script:contains("var woocommerce_price_slider_params")' ).first();
if ( $script && $script.length && $script.text().indexOf( '{' ) !== -1 && $script.text().indexOf( '}' ) !== -1 ) {
var arrStr = $script.text().substring( $script.text().indexOf( '{' ), $script.text().indexOf( '}' ) + 1 );
window.woocommerce_price_slider_params = JSON.parse( arrStr );
// update entry title
var $title = $( '.entry-title' );
if ( $title.length ) {
var $newTitle = $res.find( '.entry-title' ).eq( 0 );
if ( $newTitle.length ) {
$title.html( $newTitle.html() );
// update entry description
var $desc = $( '.entry-description' );
if ( $desc.length ) {
var $newDesc = $res.find( '.entry-description' ).eq( 0 );
if ( $newDesc.length ) {
$desc.html( $newDesc.html() );
// top toolbar
var shop_before = '.shop-loop-before',
$shop_before = $( shop_before );
if ( $shop_before.length ) {
if ( $res.find( shop_before ).length ) {
$shop_before.each( function( index ) {
var $res_shop_before = $res.find( shop_before ).eq( index );
if ( $res_shop_before.length ) {
$( this ).html( $res_shop_before.html() ).show();
} );
} else {
// update result count
var $count = $( '.woocommerce-result-count' );
if ( $count.length ) {
var $newCount = $res.find( '.woocommerce-result-count' ).eq( 0 );
if ( $newCount.length ) {
$count[0].outerHTML = $newCount.length ? $newCount[0].outerHTML : '';
// trigger ready event
$( document ).trigger( 'yith-wcan-ajax-filtered' );
// update browser history (IE doesn't support it)
if ( page_url && !navigator.userAgent.match( /msie/i ) ) {
window.history.pushState( { 'pageTitle': ( res && res.pageTitle ) || '' }, '', page_url );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'porto_load_posts_end', [$parent.parent()] );
if ( typeof default_args == 'undefined' && typeof self.cache[pid] != 'undefined' && typeof self.cache[pid][cat+ _gridcookie] != 'undefined' && self.cache[pid][cat+ _gridcookie] ) {
successfn( self.cache[pid][cat+ _gridcookie], true );
self.isLoading = false;
$parent.removeClass( 'porto-ajax-loading' ).removeClass( 'loading' ).find( '.porto-loading-icon' ).remove();
var ajax_load_options = $parent.data( 'ajax_load_options' );
if ( ( $parent.hasClass( 'archive-products' ) && -1 != js_porto_vars.use_skeleton_screen.indexOf( 'shop' ) ) ||
( is_archive && -1 != js_porto_vars.use_skeleton_screen.indexOf( 'blog' ) ) ) { // skeleton screen in archive builder
$posts_wrap = $parent.find( '.' + post_type + 's-container' );
if ( ajax_load_options ) {
var tag_name = 'div';
if ( 'product' == post_type && 'ul' == $posts_wrap.get( 0 ).tagName.toLowerCase() ) {
tag_name = 'li';
$posts_wrap.addClass( 'skeleton-body' ).empty();
for ( var i = 0; i < Number( ajax_load_options.count || ( ajax_load_options.columns && ajax_load_options.columns * 3 ) || 12 ); i++ ) {
$posts_wrap.append( '<' + tag_name + ' class="porto-tb-item post ' + post_type + ( 'product' == post_type ? ' product-col' : '' ) + '">' + tag_name + '>' );
} else {
$posts_wrap.addClass( 'skeleton-body' ).children().empty();
} else {
if ( !$parent.children( '.porto-loading-icon' ).length ) {
$parent.append( '' );
$parent.addClass( 'porto-ajax-loading' );
var current_url = window.location.href;
if ( -1 !== current_url.indexOf( '#' ) ) {
current_url = current_url.split( '#' )[0];
var args, load_url = theme.ajax_url;
if ( $parent.hasClass( 'archive-posts' ) ) { // archive builder
args = {
portoajax: true,
load_posts_only: true
if ( $parent.closest( '.porto-block' ).length ) {
args['builder_id'] = $parent.closest( '.porto-block' ).data( 'id' );
load_url = typeof page_url != 'undefined' ? page_url : current_url;
} else {
args = {
action: 'porto_ajax_posts',
nonce: js_porto_vars.porto_nonce,
post_type: post_type,
current_link: current_url
if ( $parent.data( 'post_layout' ) ) {
args['post_layout'] = $parent.data( 'post_layout' );
if ( ajax_load_options ) {
args['extra'] = ajax_load_options;
if ( typeof default_args != 'undefined' ) {
args = $.extend( args, default_args );
if ( cat ) {
args['category'] = cat;
$.ajax( {
url: load_url,
type: 'post',
data: args,
success: successfn,
complete: function() {
self.isLoading = false;
$posts_wrap.removeClass( 'skeleton-body' );
$parent.removeClass( 'porto-ajax-loading' ).removeClass( 'loading' ).find( '.porto-loading-icon' ).remove();
} );
} );
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
// Filter Zoom
( function( theme, $ ) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
$.extend( theme, {
FilterZoom: {
defaults: {
elements: null
initialize: function( $elements ) {
this.$elements = ( $elements || this.defaults.elements );
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this;
self.$elements.each( function() {
var $this = $( this ),
zoom = $this.find( '.zoom, .thumb-info-zoom' ).get( 0 );
if ( !zoom ) return;
$this.find( '.zoom, .thumb-info-zoom' ).off( 'click' );
var links = [];
var i = 0;
$this.find( 'article' ).each( function() {
var $that = $( this );
if ( $that.css( 'display' ) != 'none' ) {
var $zoom = $that.find( '.zoom, .thumb-info-zoom' ),
src = $zoom.data( 'src' ),
title = $zoom.data( 'title' );
$zoom.data( 'index', i );
if ( Array.isArray( src ) ) {
$.each( src, function( index, value ) {
slide = {};
slide.src = value;
slide.title = title[index];
links[i] = slide;
} );
} else {
slide = {};
slide.src = src;
slide.title = title;
links[i] = slide;
} );
$this.find( 'article' ).each( function() {
var $that = $( this );
if ( $that.css( 'display' ) != 'none' ) {
$that.off( 'click', '.zoom, .thumb-info-zoom' ).on( 'click', '.zoom, .thumb-info-zoom', function( e ) {
var $zoom = $( this ), $parent = $zoom.parents( '.thumb-info' ), offset = 0;
if ( $parent.get( 0 ) ) {
var $slider = $parent.find( '.porto-carousel' );
if ( $slider.get( 0 ) ) {
offset = $slider.data( 'owl.carousel' ).current() - $slider.find( '.cloned' ).length / 2;
if ( $.fn.magnificPopup ) {
$.magnificPopup.open( $.extend( true, {}, theme.mfpConfig, {
items: links,
gallery: {
enabled: true
type: 'image'
} ), $zoom.data( 'index' ) + offset );
return false;
} );
} );
} );
return self;
} );
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
// Mouse Parallax
( function( theme, $ ) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__parallax';
var Mouseparallax = function( $el, opts ) {
return this.initialize( $el, opts );
Mouseparallax.prototype = {
initialize: function( $el, opts ) {
this.$el = $el;
.setOptions( opts )
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data( instanceName, this );
return this;
setOptions: function( opts ) {
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, {
wrapper: this.$el,
opts: opts
} );
return this;
build: function() {
if ( !$.fn.parallax ) {
return this;
var $el = this.options.wrapper,
opts = this.options.opts
$el.parallax( opts );
//expose to scope
$.extend( theme, {
Mouseparallax: Mouseparallax
} );
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themeMouseparallax = function( opts ) {
var obj = this.map( function() {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.data( instanceName ) ) {
return $this.data( instanceName );
} else {
return new theme.Mouseparallax( $this, opts );
} );
return obj;
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
// Read More
( function( theme, $ ) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__readmore';
var PluginReadMore = function( $el, opts ) {
return this.initialize( $el, opts );
PluginReadMore.defaults = {
buttonOpenLabel: '
buttonCloseLabel: 'Read Less ',
enableToggle: true,
maxHeight: 300,
overlayColor: '#43a6a3',
overlayHeight: 100,
startOpened: false,
align: 'left'
PluginReadMore.prototype = {
initialize: function( $el, opts ) {
var self = this;
this.$el = $el;
.setOptions( opts )
if ( self.options.startOpened ) {
self.options.wrapper.find( '.readmore-button-wrapper > button' ).trigger( 'click' );
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data( instanceName, this );
return this;
setOptions: function( opts ) {
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginReadMore.defaults, opts, {
wrapper: this.$el
} );
return this;
build: function() {
var self = this;
self.options.wrapper.addClass( 'position-relative' );
// Overlay
self.options.wrapper.append( '' );
// Check if is Safari
var backgroundCssValue = 'linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(2, 0, 36, 0) 0%, ' + self.options.overlayColor + ' 100%)';
if ( $( 'html' ).hasClass( 'safari' ) ) {
backgroundCssValue = '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(2, 0, 36, 0) 0%, ' + self.options.overlayColor + ' 100%)'
self.options.wrapper.find( '.readmore-overlay' ).css( {
background: backgroundCssValue,
position: 'absolute',
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
width: '100%',
height: self.options.overlayHeight,
'z-index': 1
} );
// Read More Button
self.options.wrapper.find( '.readmore-button-wrapper' ).removeClass( 'd-none' ).css( {
position: 'absolute',
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
width: '100%',
'z-index': 2
} );
// Button Label
self.options.wrapper.find( '.readmore-button-wrapper > button' ).html( self.options.buttonOpenLabel );
self.options.wrapper.css( {
'height': self.options.maxHeight,
'overflow-y': 'hidden'
} );
// Alignment
switch ( self.options.align ) {
case 'center':
self.options.wrapper.find( '.readmore-button-wrapper' ).addClass( 'text-center' );
case 'right':
self.options.wrapper.find( '.readmore-button-wrapper' ).addClass( 'text-end' );
case 'left':
self.options.wrapper.find( '.readmore-button-wrapper' ).addClass( 'text-start' );
return this;
events: function() {
var self = this;
// Read More
self.readMore = function() {
self.options.wrapper.find( '.readmore-button-wrapper > button:not(.readless)' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
self.options.wrapper.addClass( 'opened' );
var $this = $( this );
setTimeout( function() {
self.options.wrapper.animate( {
'height': self.options.wrapper[0].scrollHeight
}, function() {
if ( !self.options.enableToggle ) {
$this.html( self.options.buttonCloseLabel ).addClass( 'readless' ).off( 'click' );
self.options.wrapper.find( '.readmore-overlay' ).fadeOut();
self.options.wrapper.css( {
'max-height': 'none',
'overflow': 'visible'
} );
self.options.wrapper.find( '.readmore-button-wrapper' ).animate( {
bottom: -20
} );
} );
}, 200 );
} );
// Read Less
self.readLess = function() {
self.options.wrapper.find( '.readmore-button-wrapper > button.readless' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
self.options.wrapper.removeClass( 'opened' );
var $this = $( this );
// Button
self.options.wrapper.find( '.readmore-button-wrapper' ).animate( {
bottom: 0
} );
// Overlay
self.options.wrapper.find( '.readmore-overlay' ).fadeIn();
setTimeout( function() {
self.options.wrapper.height( self.options.wrapper[0].scrollHeight ).animate( {
'height': self.options.maxHeight
}, function() {
$this.html( self.options.buttonOpenLabel ).removeClass( 'readless' ).off( 'click' );
self.options.wrapper.css( {
'overflow': 'hidden'
} );
} );
}, 200 );
} );
// First Load
return this;
resize: function() {
var self = this;
window.addEventListener( 'resize', function() {
self.options.wrapper.hasClass( 'opened' ) ? self.options.wrapper.css( { 'height': 'auto' } ) : self.options.wrapper.css( { 'height': self.options.maxHeight } );
} )
// expose to scope
$.extend( theme, {
PluginReadMore: PluginReadMore
} );
// jquery plugin
$.fn.themePluginReadMore = function( opts ) {
return this.map( function() {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.data( instanceName ) ) {
return $this.data( instanceName );
} else {
return new PluginReadMore( $this, $this.data( 'plugin-options' ) );
} );
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
// Mouse Hover Split
( function( theme, $ ) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__mousehoversplit';
var PluginHoverSplit = function( $el ) {
return this.initialize( $el );
PluginHoverSplit.prototype = {
initialize: function( $el ) {
if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) {
return this;
this.$el = $el.addClass( 'slide-wrapper' );
return this;
setData: function() {
this.$el.data( instanceName, this );
this.$el.addClass( 'initialized' );
var $columns = this.$el.find( '>.split-slide' );
for ( var index = 0; index < $columns.length; index++ ) {
var column = $columns[index];
if ( index == 0 ) {
column.classList.add( 'slide-left' );
this.left = column;
} else if ( index == 1 ) {
column.classList.add( 'slide-right' );
return this;
event: function() {
// Refresh
this.refreshFunc = this.refresh.bind( this );
$( window ).on( 'resize', this.refreshFunc );
this.handleMoveFunc = this.handleMove.bind( this );
$( document.body ).on( 'mousemove', this.handleMoveFunc );
handleMove: function( e ) {
if ( e.clientX < this.$el.offset().left ) {
this.left.style.width = '0';
} else {
this.left.style.width = `calc( ${ ( e.clientX - this.$el.offset().left ) / ( this.$el.innerWidth() ) * 100 }% - 3px ) `;
refresh: function( e ) {
if ( e && e.type == 'resize' ) {
this.$el.css( 'min-height', $( this.left ).height() );
this.$el.find( '>.split-slide>*' ).css( 'width', this.$el.innerWidth() );
clearData: function() {
// Remove class and instance
this.$el.removeClass( 'slide-wrapper' ).removeData( instanceName ).css( 'min-height', '' );
this.$el.find( '>*' ).removeClass( 'slide-left slide-right' ).css( 'width', '' );
// Clear Event
$( window ).off( 'resize', this.refreshFunc );
$( document.body ).off( 'mousemove', this.handleMoveFunc );
// expose to scope
$.extend( theme, {
PluginHoverSplit: PluginHoverSplit
} );
$.fn.themePluginHoverSplit = function() {
return this.map( function() {
var $this = $( this ),
$splitColumns = $this.find( '>.split-slide' );
if ( $splitColumns.length >= 2 ) {
if ( $this.data( instanceName ) ) {
return $this.data( instanceName );
} else {
return new PluginHoverSplit( $this );
} );
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
// Horizontal Scroller
( function( theme, $ ) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__horizontalscroller';
var PluginHScroller = function( $el, opts ) {
return this.initialize( $el, opts );
PluginHScroller.defaults = {
lg: 3,
md: 1,
init_refresh: false,
PluginHScroller.prototype = {
initialize: function( $el, opts ) {
if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
.setData( opts )
return this;
setData: function( opts ) {
this.$el.data( instanceName, this );
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginHScroller.defaults, opts );
this.$hScroller = this.$el.find( '.horizontal-scroller' );
this.$hScrollerItems = this.$hScroller.find( '.horizontal-scroller-items' );
this.$hScrollerItems.find( '>*' ).addClass( 'horizontal-scroller-item' );
return this;
build: function() {
// Copy Original HTML to clone on Resize.
this.originalScrollHTML = this.$hScroller.html();
this.scrollerInitialized = false;
return this;
// Generate Scroller
generateScroller: function() {
var items = gsap.utils.toArray( this.$hScrollerItems.find( '.horizontal-scroller-item' ) );
gsap.to( items, {
xPercent: -100 * ( items.length - ( $( window ).width() > 991 ? this.options.lg : this.options.md ) ),
ease: 'none',
scrollTrigger: {
trigger: '.horizontal-scroller',
pin: true,
scrub: 1,
snap: 1 / ( items.length - 1 ),
end: () => '+=' + this.$hScrollerItems.width(),
el: this.$el,
} );
this.scrollerInitialized = true;
event: function() {
if ( this.options.init_refresh ) {
// Scroll Event to initialize when visible
this.scrollFunc = this.scroll.bind( this );
$( window ).on( 'scroll', this.scrollFunc );
// Resize Event removing and restarting
this.afterResizeFunc = this.afterResize.bind( this );
$( window ).on( 'afterResize', this.afterResizeFunc );
scroll: function() {
if ( !this.scrollerInitialized ) {
var position = this.$el[0].getBoundingClientRect();
if ( position.top >= 0 && position.top < window.innerHeight && position.bottom >= 0 ) {
afterResize: function() {
this.scrollerInitialized = false;
var Alltrigger = ScrollTrigger.getAll();
for ( var i = 0; i < Alltrigger.length; i++ ) {
if ( Alltrigger[i]['vars'] && typeof Alltrigger[i]['vars']['el'] != 'undefined' && Alltrigger[i]['vars']['el'] == this.$el ) {
Alltrigger[i].kill( true );
this.$el.empty().html( '' + this.originalScrollHTML + '
' );
this.$hScrollerItems = this.$el.find( '.horizontal-scroller-items' );
clearData: function() {
this.$el.removeData( instanceName );
$( window ).off( 'scroll', this.scrollFunc );
$( window ).off( 'afterResize', this.afterResizeFunc );
// expose to scope
$.extend( theme, {
PluginHScroller: PluginHScroller
} );
$.fn.themePluginHScroller = function( opt = false ) {
if ( typeof gsap !== 'undefined' && typeof ScrollTrigger !== 'undefined' ) {
return this.map( function() {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.data( instanceName ) ) {
return $this.data( instanceName );
} else {
if ( $this.find( '.horizontal-scroller-items>*' ).length ) {
options = $this.data( 'plugin-hscroll' );
if ( opt ) {
options['init_refresh'] = true;
return new PluginHScroller( $this, options );
} );
} else {
return false;
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
// Text Hover Image Floating - Ultimate Heading, Custom Heading for wpb
( function( theme, $ ) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__textelfloating';
var PluginTElFloaing = function( $el, opts ) {
return this.initialize( $el, opts );
PluginTElFloaing.defaults = {
offset: 0,
PluginTElFloaing.prototype = {
initialize: function( $el, opts ) {
if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) {
return this;
this.$el = $el;
.setData( opts )
return this;
setData: function( opts ) {
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginTElFloaing.defaults, opts );
this.$el.data( instanceName, this );
return this;
event: function() {
this.mouseEnterFunc = this.mouseEnter.bind( this );
this.$el.on( 'mouseenter', this.mouseEnterFunc );
this.mouseOutFunc = this.mouseOut.bind( this );
this.$el.on( 'mouseleave', this.mouseOutFunc );
mouseEnter: function( e ) {
$( '.thumb-info-floating-element-clone' ).remove();
var $thumbFloatingEl = $( '.thumb-info-floating-element', this.$el );
if ( $thumbFloatingEl.length ) {
this.$elClone = $thumbFloatingEl.clone().addClass( 'thumb-info-floating-element-clone' ).removeClass( 'd-none' ).appendTo( document.body );
} else if ( this.$el.hasClass( 'tb-hover-content' ) && this.$el.children().length > 0 ) {
if ( this.$el.hasClass( 'with-link' ) ) {
$thumbFloatingEl = this.$el.children( ':nth-child(2)' );
} else {
$thumbFloatingEl = this.$el.children( ':first' );
this.$elClone = $thumbFloatingEl.clone().addClass( 'thumb-tb-floating-el' ).appendTo( document.body ).wrap( '' );
} else {
// Image LazyLoad
$imgs = $( '.thumb-info-floating-element-clone' ).find( 'img.porto-lazyload' );
$imgs.each( function( index, img ) {
var $img = $( img );
if ( $img.length && $img.data( 'oi' ) ) {
$img.attr( 'src', $img.data( 'oi' ) ).addClass( 'lazy-load-loaded' );
} );
$( '.thumb-info-floating-element-clone' ).css( {
left: e.clientX + parseInt( this.options.offset ),
top: e.clientY + parseInt( this.options.offset )
} ).fadeIn( 300 );
gsap.to( '.thumb-info-floating-element-clone', 1, {
css: {
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1
} );
this.mouseMoveFunc = this.mouseMove.bind( this );
$( document.body ).on( 'mousemove', this.mouseMoveFunc );
mouseMove: function( e ) {
if ( this.$elClone.length && this.$elClone.closest( 'html' ).length ) {
gsap.to( '.thumb-info-floating-element-clone', 0.5, {
css: {
left: e.clientX + parseInt( this.options.offset ),
top: e.clientY + parseInt( this.options.offset )
} );
mouseOut: function( e ) {
if ( this.$elClone.length && this.$elClone.closest( 'html' ).length ) {
gsap.to( '.thumb-info-floating-element-clone', 0.5, {
css: {
scaleX: 0.5,
scaleY: 0.5,
opacity: 0
} );
clearData: function( e ) {
this.$el.off( 'mouseenter', this.mouseEnterFunc );
this.$el.off( 'mouseout', this.mouseOutFunc );
$( document.body ).off( 'mousemove', this.mouseMoveFunc );
$.extend( theme, {
PluginTElFloaing: PluginTElFloaing
} );
$.fn.themePluginTIFloating = function() {
if ( typeof gsap !== 'undefined' ) {
return this.map( function() {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.data( instanceName ) ) {
return $this.data( instanceName );
} else {
return new PluginTElFloaing( $this, $this.data( 'plugin-tfloating' ) );
} );
} else {
return false;
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
/* initialize */
( function( theme, $ ) {
theme.initAsync = function( $wrap, wrapObj ) {
// Animate
if ( $.fn.themeAnimate && typeof wrapObj != 'undefined' ) {
$( function() {
var svgAnimates = wrapObj.querySelectorAll( 'svg [data-appear-animation]' );
if ( svgAnimates.length ) {
$( svgAnimates ).closest( 'svg' ).attr( 'data-appear-animation-svg', '1' );
var $animates = wrapObj.querySelectorAll( '[data-plugin-animate], [data-appear-animation], [data-appear-animation-svg]' );
if ( $animates.length ) {
var animateResize = function() {
if ( window.innerWidth < 768 ) {
window.removeEventListener( 'resize', animateResize );
$animates.forEach( function( o ) {
o.classList.add( 'appear-animation-visible' );
} );
if ( theme.animation_support ) {
window.addEventListener( 'resize', animateResize );
theme.dynIntObsInit( $animates, 'themeAnimate', theme.Animate.defaults );
} else {
$animates.forEach( function( o ) {
o.classList.add( 'appear-animation-visible' );
} );
} );
// Animated Letters
if ( $.fn.themePluginAnimatedLetters ) {
if ( $( '[data-plugin-animated-letters]' ).length || $( '.animated-letters' ).length ) {
theme.intObs( '[data-plugin-animated-letters]:not(.manual), .animated-letters', 'themePluginAnimatedLetters' );
if ( $( '[data-plugin-animated-words]' ).length || $( '.animated-words' ).length ) {
theme.intObs( '[data-plugin-animated-words]:not(.manual), .animated-words', 'themePluginAnimatedLetters' );
// Carousel
if ( $.fn.themeCarousel ) {
$( function() {
var portoImgNavMiddle = function ( $el ) {
var $images = $el.find( '.owl-item img' ),
height = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < $images.length; i++) {
var imgHeight = $images.eq(i).height();
if ( height < imgHeight ) {
height = imgHeight;
if ( $el.hasClass( 'products-slider' ) ) {
$el.children( '.owl-nav' ).css( 'top', ( 5 + height / 2 ) + 'px' );
} else {
$el.children( '.owl-nav' ).css( 'top', height / 2 + 'px' );
// Carousel Lazyload images
var portoCarouselInit = function( e ) {
var $this = $( e.currentTarget );
$this.find( '[data-appear-animation]:not(.appear-animation)' ).addClass( 'appear-animation' );
if ( $this.find( '.owl-item.cloned' ).length ) {
// compatibility with W3 Total Cache
var $not_loaded = $this.find( 'img.lazy:not(.loaded)' );
if ( $not_loaded.length ) {
if (typeof window.w3tc_lazyload == 'object') {
} else if (theme.w3tcLazyLoadInstance) {
$this.find( '.porto-lazyload:not(.lazy-load-loaded)' ).themePluginLazyLoad( { effect: 'fadeIn', effect_speed: 400 } );
var $animates = e.currentTarget.querySelectorAll( '.appear-animation' );
if ( $animates.length ) {
if ( theme.animation_support ) {
theme.dynIntObsInit( $animates, 'themeAnimate', theme.Animate.defaults );
} else {
$animates.forEach( function( o ) {
o.classList.add( 'appear-animation-visible' );
} );
if ( $.fn.themePluginAnimatedLetters && ( $( this ).find( '.owl-item.cloned [data-plugin-animated-letters]:not(.manual)' ).length ) ) {
theme.dynIntObsInit( $( this ).find( '.owl-item.cloned [data-plugin-animated-letters]:not(.manual)' ), 'themePluginAnimatedLetters' );
setTimeout( function() {
var $hiddenItems = $this.find( '.owl-item:not(.active)' );
if ( theme.animation_support ) {
$hiddenItems.find( '.appear-animation' ).removeClass( 'appear-animation-visible' );
$hiddenItems.find( '.appear-animation' ).each( function() {
var $el = $( this ),
delay = Math.abs( $el.data( 'appear-animation-delay' ) ? $el.data( 'appear-animation-delay' ) : 0 );
if ( delay > 1 ) {
this.style.animationDelay = delay + 'ms';
var duration = Math.abs( $el.data( 'appear-animation-duration' ) ? $el.data( 'appear-animation-duration' ) : 1000 );
if ( 1000 != duration ) {
this.style.animationDuration = duration + 'ms';
} );
if ( window.innerWidth >= 1200 ) {
$hiddenItems.find( '[data-vce-animate]' ).removeAttr( 'data-vcv-o-animated' );
// Position the navigation in the middle of the image
if ( $this.hasClass( 'nav-center-images-only' ) ) {
portoImgNavMiddle( $this );
}, 300 );
var portoCarouselTranslated = function( e ) {
var $this = $( e.currentTarget );
/*if ( window.innerWidth > 767 ) {
if ( $this.find( '.owl-item.cloned' ).length && $this.find( '.appear-animation:not(.appear-animation-visible)' ).length ) {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'appear_refresh' );
var $active = $this.find( '.owl-item.active' );
if ( $active.hasClass( 'translating' ) ) {
$active.removeClass( 'translating' );
$this.find( '.owl-item.translating' ).removeClass( 'translating' );
// Animated Letters
$this.find( '[data-plugin-animated-letters]' ).removeClass( 'invisible' );
$this.find( '.owl-item.active [data-plugin-animated-letters]' ).trigger( 'animated.letters.initialize' );
if ( window.innerWidth > 767 ) {
// WPBakery
$this.find( '.appear-animation' ).removeClass( 'appear-animation-visible' );
$active.find( '.appear-animation' ).each( function() {
var $animation_item = $( this ),
anim_name = $animation_item.data( 'appear-animation' );
$animation_item.addClass( anim_name + ' appear-animation-visible' );
} );
// sticky sidebar
if ( window.innerWidth > 991 ) {
if ( $this.closest( '[data-plugin-sticky]' ).length ) {
theme.refreshStickySidebar( false, $this.closest( '[data-plugin-sticky]' ) );
// Elementor
$active.find( '.slide-animate' ).each( function() {
var $animation_item = $( this ),
settings = $animation_item.data( 'settings' );
if ( settings && ( settings._animation || settings.animation ) ) {
var animation = settings._animation || settings.animation,
delay = settings._animation_delay || settings.animation_delay || 0;
theme.requestTimeout( function() {
$animation_item.removeClass( 'elementor-invisible' ).addClass( 'animated ' + animation );
}, delay );
} );
// Visual Composer
if ( window.innerWidth >= 1200 ) {
$this.find( '[data-vce-animate]' ).removeAttr( 'data-vcv-o-animated' ).removeAttr( 'data-vcv-o-animated-fully' );
$active.find( '[data-vce-animate]' ).each( function() {
var $animation_item = $( this );
if ( $animation_item.data( 'porto-origin-anim' ) ) {
var anim_name = $animation_item.data( 'porto-origin-anim' );
$animation_item.attr( 'data-vce-animate', anim_name ).attr( 'data-vcv-o-animated', true );
var duration = parseFloat( window.getComputedStyle( this )['animationDuration'] ) * 1000,
delay = parseFloat( window.getComputedStyle( this )['animationDelay'] ) * 1000;
window.setTimeout( function() {
$animation_item.attr( 'data-vcv-o-animated-fully', true );
}, delay + duration + 5 );
} );
var portoCarouselTranslateVC = function( e ) {
var $this = $( e.currentTarget );
$this.find( '.owl-item.active' ).addClass( 'translating' );
if ( window.innerWidth >= 1200 ) {
$this.find( '[data-vce-animate]' ).each( function() {
var $animation_item = $( this );
$animation_item.data( 'porto-origin-anim', $animation_item.data( 'vce-animate' ) ).attr( 'data-vce-animate', '' );
} );
var portoCarouselTranslateElementor = function( e ) {
var $this = $( e.currentTarget );
$this.find( '.owl-item.active' ).addClass( 'translating' );
$this.find( '.owl-item:not(.active) .slide-animate' ).addClass( 'elementor-invisible' );
$this.find( '.slide-animate' ).each( function() {
var $animation_item = $( this ),
settings = $animation_item.data( 'settings' );
if ( settings._animation || settings.animation ) {
$animation_item.removeClass( settings._animation || settings.animation );
} );
var portoCarouselTranslateWPB = function( e ) {
if ( window.innerWidth > 767 ) {
var $this = $( e.currentTarget );
$this.find( '.owl-item.active' ).addClass( 'translating' );
$this.find( '.appear-animation' ).each( function() {
var $animation_item = $( this );
$animation_item.removeClass( $animation_item.data( 'appear-animation' ) );
} );
var carouselItems = $wrap.find( '.owl-carousel:not(.manual)' );
carouselItems.on( 'initialized.owl.carousel refreshed.owl.carousel', portoCarouselInit ).on( 'translated.owl.carousel', portoCarouselTranslated );
carouselItems.on( 'translate.owl.carousel', function() {
// Hide elements inside carousel
$( this ).find( '[data-plugin-animated-letters]' ).addClass( 'invisible' );
// Animated Letters
$( this ).find( '[data-plugin-animated-letters]' ).trigger( 'animated.letters.destroy' );
} );
carouselItems.on( 'resized.owl.carousel', function () {
var $this = $( this );
// Position the navigation in the middle of the image
if ( $this.hasClass( 'nav-center-images-only' ) ) {
portoImgNavMiddle( $this );
} )
carouselItems.filter( function() {
if ( $( this ).find( '[data-vce-animate]' ).length ) {
return true;
return false;
} ).on( 'translate.owl.carousel', portoCarouselTranslateVC );
carouselItems.filter( function() {
var $anim_obj = $( this ).find( '.elementor-invisible' );
if ( $anim_obj.length ) {
$anim_obj.addClass( 'slide-animate' );
return true;
return false;
} ).on( 'translate.owl.carousel', portoCarouselTranslateElementor );
carouselItems.filter( function() {
if ( $( this ).find( '.appear-animation, [data-appear-animation]' ).length ) {
return true;
return false;
} ).on( 'translate.owl.carousel', portoCarouselTranslateWPB );
$wrap.find( '[data-plugin-carousel]:not(.manual), .porto-carousel:not(.manual)' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this ),
if ( $this.closest( '.tab-pane' ).length && ! $this.closest( '.tab-pane' ).hasClass( 'active' ) ) {
if ( $this.closest( '.e-n-tabs-content > .e-con' ).length && ! $this.closest( '.e-n-tabs-content > .e-con' ).hasClass( 'e-active' ) ) {
if ( $this.closest( '.sidebar-menu:not(.side-menu-accordion) .menu-block' ).length ) {
var pluginOptions = $this.data( 'plugin-options' );
if ( pluginOptions )
opts = pluginOptions;
setTimeout( function() {
$this.themeCarousel( opts );
}, 0 );
} );
} );
// Thumb Gallery
$wrap.find( '.thumb-gallery-thumbs, .thumbnail-gallery' ).each( function() {
var $thumbs = $( this ),
$detail = $thumbs.parent().find( '.thumb-gallery-detail' ),
flag = false,
duration = 300;
if ( $thumbs.data( 'initThumbs' ) )
$detail.on( 'changed.owl.carousel', function( e ) {
if ( !flag ) {
flag = true;
var len = $detail.find( '.owl-item' ).length,
cloned = $detail.find( '.cloned' ).length;
if ( len ) {
$thumbs.find( '.owl-item.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' );
$thumbs.find( '.owl-item' ).eq( ( e.item.index - cloned / 2 ) % len ).addClass( 'selected' );
$thumbs.trigger( 'to.owl.carousel', [( e.item.index - cloned / 2 - 1 ) % len, duration, true] );
flag = false;
} );
$thumbs.on( 'changed.owl.carousel', function( e ) {
if ( !flag ) {
flag = true;
var len = $thumbs.find( '.owl-item' ).length,
cloned = $thumbs.find( '.cloned' ).length;
if ( len ) {
$thumbs.find( '.owl-item.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' );
$thumbs.find( '.owl-item' ).eq( e.item.index ).addClass( 'selected' );
$detail.trigger( 'to.owl.carousel', [( e.item.index - cloned / 2 ) % len, duration, true] );
flag = false;
} ).on( 'click', '.owl-item', function() {
if ( !flag ) {
flag = true;
var len = $thumbs.find( '.owl-item' ).length,
cloned = $thumbs.find( '.cloned' ).length;
if ( len ) {
$thumbs.find( '.owl-item.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' );
$(this).addClass( 'selected' );
$detail.trigger( 'to.owl.carousel', [( $( this ).index() - cloned / 2 ) % len, duration, true] );
flag = false;
} ).data( 'initThumbs', true );
} );
// Fixed video
$wrap.find( '.video-fixed' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this ),
$video = $this.find( 'video, iframe' );
if ( $video.length ) {
window.addEventListener( 'scroll', function() {
var offset = $( window ).scrollTop() - $this.position().top + theme.adminBarHeight();
$video.css( "cssText", "top: " + offset + "px !important;" );
}, { passive: true } );
} );
setTimeout( function() {
// Search
if ( typeof theme.Search !== 'undefined' ) {
}, 0 );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'porto_async_init' );
} ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
'use strict';
// Visual Composer Image Zoom
if ( $.fn.themeVcImageZoom ) {
$( function() {
var $galleryParent = null;
$( '.porto-vc-zoom:not(.manual)' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this ),
gallery = $this.attr( 'data-gallery' );
var pluginOptions = $this.data( 'plugin-options' );
if ( pluginOptions )
opts = pluginOptions;
if ( typeof opts == "undefined" ) {
opts = {};
opts.container = $this.parent();
if ( gallery == 'true' ) {
var container = 'vc_row';
if ( $this.attr( 'data-container' ) )
container = $this.attr( 'data-container' );
var $parent = $( $this.closest( '.' + container ).get( 0 ) );
if ( $parent.length > 0 && $galleryParent != null && $galleryParent.is( $parent ) ) {
} else if ( $parent.length > 0 ) {
$galleryParent = $parent;
if ( $galleryParent != null && $galleryParent.length > 0 ) {
opts.container = $galleryParent;
$this.themeVcImageZoom( opts );
} );
} );
function porto_modal_open( $this ) {
var trigger = $this.data( 'trigger-id' ),
overlayClass = $this.data( 'overlay-class' ),
extraClass = $this.data( 'extra-class' ) ? $this.data( 'extra-class' ) : '',
type = $this.data( 'type' );
if ( typeof trigger != 'undefined'/* && $('#' + escape(trigger)).length > 0*/ ) {
if ( typeof type == 'undefined' ) {
type = 'inline';
if ( type == 'inline' ) {
trigger = '#' + escape( trigger );
var args = {
items: {
src: trigger
type: type,
mainClass: extraClass,
prependTo: $( '.page-wrapper' )
var $popupModal = $this;
if ( $this.hasClass( 'porto-onload' ) || $this.hasClass( 'porto-exit-intent' ) ) {
args['callbacks'] = {
'beforeClose': function() {
if ( $( '.mfp-wrap .porto-disable-modal-onload' ).length && ( $( '.mfp-wrap .porto-disable-modal-onload' ).is( ':checked' ) || $( '.mfp-wrap .porto-disable-modal-onload input[type="checkbox"]' ).is( ':checked' ) ) ) {
$.cookie( 'porto_modal_disable_onload', 'true', { expires: 7 } );
} else if ( 'undefined' !== typeof $popupModal.data( 'expired' ) && 'undefined' !== typeof $popupModal.data( 'popup-id' ) ) {
$.cookie( 'porto_modal_disable_period_onload_' + $popupModal.data( 'popup-id' ), $popupModal.data('expired'), { expires: $popupModal.data('expired') } );
'afterClose': function() {
// If minicart(cart, wishlist) opened, keep disabling mouse scrolling
if ( $( '#header .minicart-opened' ).length ) {
$( 'html' ).css( theme.rtl_browser ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-right', theme.getScrollbarWidth() );
$( 'html' ).css( 'overflow', 'hidden' );
'open': function () {
// Update bootstrap tooltip for Popup
var $popup_builder = $( '.mfp-wrap .porto-block[data-bs-original-title]' );
if ( $popup_builder.length ) {
bootstrap.Tooltip.getInstance( $popup_builder[0] ).update();
if ( $( '.mfp-wrap .porto-block .owl-carousel' ) ) {
$( '.mfp-wrap .porto-block .owl-carousel' ).trigger( 'refresh.owl.carousel' );
if ( typeof overlayClass != "undefined" && overlayClass ) {
args.mainClass += escape( overlayClass );
setTimeout( () => {
$.magnificPopup.open( $.extend( true, {}, theme.mfpConfig, args ), 0 );
} );
theme.porto_modal_open = porto_modal_open;
function porto_init_magnific_popup_functions( $wrap ) {
if ( typeof $wrap == 'undefined' || !$wrap.length ) {
$wrap = $( document.body );
$wrap.find( '.lightbox:not(.manual)' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this ),
if ( $this.find( '>.lb-dataContainer' ).length ) {
var pluginOptions = $this.data( 'lightbox-options' );
if ( pluginOptions ) {
opts = pluginOptions;
} else {
pluginOptions = $this.data( 'plugin-options' );
if ( typeof pluginOptions != 'object' ) {
pluginOptions = JSON.parse( pluginOptions );
if ( pluginOptions ) {
opts = pluginOptions;
$this.themeLightbox( opts );
} );
// Popup with video or map
$wrap.find( '.porto-popup-iframe' ).magnificPopup( $.extend( true, {}, theme.mfpConfig, {
disableOn: 700,
type: 'iframe',
mainClass: 'mfp-fade',
removalDelay: 160,
preloader: false,
fixedContentPos: false
} ) );
// Popup with ajax
$wrap.find( '.porto-popup-ajax' ).magnificPopup( $.extend( true, {}, theme.mfpConfig, {
type: 'ajax'
} ) );
// Popup with content
$wrap.find( '.porto-popup-content' ).each( function() {
var animation = $( this ).attr( 'data-animation' );
$( this ).magnificPopup( $.extend( true, {}, theme.mfpConfig, {
type: 'inline',
fixedContentPos: false,
fixedBgPos: true,
overflowY: 'auto',
closeBtnInside: true,
preloader: false,
midClick: true,
removalDelay: 300,
mainClass: animation
} ) );
} );
// Porto Modal
$wrap.find( '.popup-youtube, .popup-vimeo, .popup-gmaps' ).each( function( index ) {
var overlayClass = $( this ).find( '.porto-modal-trigger' ).data( 'overlay-class' ),
args = {
type: 'iframe',
removalDelay: 160,
preloader: false,
fixedContentPos: false
if ( typeof overlayClass != "undefined" && overlayClass ) {
args.mainClass = escape( overlayClass );
$( this ).magnificPopup( args );
} );
if ( $wrap.find( '.porto-modal-trigger.porto-onload' ).length ) {
var $obj = $wrap.find( '.porto-modal-trigger.porto-onload' ).eq( 0 ),
timeout = 0;
if ( $obj.data( 'timeout' ) ) {
timeout = parseInt( $obj.data( 'timeout' ), 10 );
setTimeout( function() {
porto_modal_open( $obj );
}, timeout );
$wrap.on( 'click', '.porto-modal-trigger', function( e ) {
porto_modal_open( $( this ) );
} );
/* Woocommerce */
// login popup
if ( $wrap.hasClass( 'login-popup' ) ) {
$wrap.find( '.porto-link-login, .porto-link-register' ).magnificPopup( {
items: {
src: theme.ajax_url + ( -1 === theme.ajax_url.indexOf( '?' ) ? '?' : '&' ) + 'action=porto_account_login_popup&nonce=' + js_porto_vars.porto_nonce,
type: 'ajax'
tLoading: '',
callbacks: {
ajaxContentAdded: function() {
$( window ).trigger( 'porto_login_popup_opened' );
} );
if ( typeof PhotoSwipe != 'undefined' ) {
let _images = $wrap.find( '.product-images' ), links = [], i = 0;
_images.find( 'img' ).each( function() {
var slide = {};
slide.src = $( this ).attr( 'href' );
slide.title = $( this ).attr( 'alt' );
slide.w = parseInt( $( this ).attr( 'data-large_image_width' ) );
slide.h = parseInt( $( this ).attr( 'data-large_image_height' ) );
links[i] = slide;
} );
_images.data( 'links', links );
_images.on( 'click', '.img-thumbnail a.zoom', function( e ) {
var options = $.extend( {
index: $( this ).closest( '.img-thumbnail' ).index(),
addCaptionHTMLFn: function( item, captionEl ) {
if ( ! item.title ) {
captionEl.children[0].textContent = '';
return false;
captionEl.children[0].textContent = item.title;
return true;
}, wc_single_product_params.photoswipe_options );
// Initializes and opens PhotoSwipe.
var photoswipe = new PhotoSwipe( $( '.pswp' )[0], PhotoSwipeUI_Default, _images.data( 'links' ), options );
} );
} else {
$wrap.find( '.product-images' ).magnificPopup(
$.extend( true, {}, theme.mfpConfig, {
delegate: '.img-thumbnail a.zoom',
type: 'image',
gallery: { enabled: true }
} )
$wrap.find( '.porto-posts-grid' ).each( function() {
$( this ).magnificPopup(
$.extend( true, {}, theme.mfpConfig, {
delegate: '.porto-tb-featured-image span.zoom, .porto-tb-featured-image a.zoom, .post-image span.zoom',
type: 'image',
gallery: { enabled: true }
} )
} );
$wrap.find( '.porto-posts-grid .tb-image-type-slider div.zoom' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this ),
links = [];
$this.find( 'a' ).each( function() {
var slide = {};
slide.src = $( this ).attr( 'href' );
slide.title = $( this ).attr( 'title' );
links.push( slide );
} );
if ( links.length ) {
$this.on( 'click', function() {
var $slider = $this.siblings( '.porto-carousel' );
if ( $slider.length ) {
var offset = $slider.data( 'owl.carousel' ).current() - $slider.find( '.cloned' ).length / 2;
$.magnificPopup.open( $.extend( true, {}, theme.mfpConfig, {
items: links,
gallery: {
enabled: true
type: 'image'
} ), offset );
} );
} );
if ( $.fn.magnificPopup ) {
} else {
setTimeout( function() {
if ( $.fn.magnificPopup ) {
}, 500 );
$( document.body ).on( 'porto_load_posts_end', function( e, $posts_wrap ) {
if ( $.fn.magnificPopup ) {
porto_init_magnific_popup_functions( $posts_wrap );
} );
// Post Filter
if ( typeof theme.PostFilter !== 'undefined' ) {
var $postFilterElements = $( 'ul[data-filter-type], .portfolio-filter, .member-filter, .faq-filter, .porto-ajax-filter.product-filter, .porto-ajax-filter.post-filter' );
if ( $postFilterElements.length ) {
theme.PostFilter.initialize( $postFilterElements );
// Post ajax pagination
$( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.porto-ajax-load .pagination:not(.load-more) .page-numbers', function( e ) {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.hasClass( 'current' ) || $this.hasClass( 'dots' ) ) {
var $wrap = $this.closest( '.porto-ajax-load' ),
post_type = $wrap.data( 'post_type' ),
$obj = $wrap.find( '.' + post_type + 's-container' );
if ( !$obj.length || $wrap.hasClass( 'loading' ) ) {
$wrap.addClass( 'loading' );
var $filter = $wrap.find( '.porto-ajax-filter' ),
cat = $filter.length && $filter.children( '.active' ).length && $filter.children( '.active' ).data( 'filter' );
if ( '*' == cat ) {
cat = '';
var default_args = {},
page = $this.attr( 'href' ).match( /paged=(\d+)|page\/(\d+)/ );
if ( page && Array.isArray( page ) && ( page[1] || page[2] ) ) {
default_args['page'] = parseInt( page[1] || page[2] );
} else {
if ( $this.hasClass( 'prev' ) ) {
default_args['page'] = parseInt( $this.next().text() );
} else if ( $this.hasClass( 'next' ) ) {
default_args['page'] = parseInt( $this.prev().text() );
} else {
default_args['page'] = parseInt( $this.text() );
if ( cat == '' && $wrap.find( 'input[type=hidden].category' ).length ) {
cat = $wrap.find( 'input[type=hidden].category' ).val();
default_args['taxonomy'] = $wrap.find( 'input[type=hidden].taxonomy' ).val();
theme.PostFilter.load_posts( cat, $wrap.hasClass( 'load-infinite' ), $wrap, post_type, $obj, default_args, $this.attr( 'href' ) );
} );
// Filter Zooms
if ( typeof theme.FilterZoom !== 'undefined' ) {
// Portfolio Filter Zoom
theme.FilterZoom.initialize( $( '.page-portfolios' ) );
// Member Filter Zoom
theme.FilterZoom.initialize( $( '.page-members' ) );
// Posts Related Style Filter Zoom
theme.FilterZoom.initialize( $( '.blog-posts-related' ) );
// Image Hover Overlay on Posts Grid widget
function portoSetHoverImage( $this, enter = true ) {
var $item = $this.find( '[data-hoverlay-image]' ),
$postsGrid = $this.closest( '.porto-posts-grid' );
if ( $item.length ) {
var $target = $postsGrid.find( '#himg-' + $item.data( 'hoverlay-id' ) );
if ( enter ) {
$target.addClass( 'active' );
$postsGrid.addClass( 'active' );
} else {
$target.removeClass( 'active' );
$postsGrid.removeClass( 'active' );
function InsertHoverImage( $this ) {
var $option = $this.data( 'hoverlay-image' ),
$postsGrid = $this.closest( '.porto-posts-grid' ),
$postsWrap = $this.closest( '.posts-wrap' );
// Overlay Image
$postsGrid.append( '' );
$postsGrid.addClass( 'image-hover-overlay' );
// Resize
if ( $postsWrap.hasClass( 'owl-carousel' ) ) {
$postsWrap.on( 'refreshed.owl.carousel resized.owl.carousel', function() {
$postsGrid.find( '.thumb-info-full' ).css( '--porto-himg-height', ( $postsWrap.innerHeight() + 'px' ) );
} )
} else {
$( window ).on( 'resize', function() {
$postsGrid.find( '.thumb-info-full' ).css( '--porto-himg-height', ( $postsWrap.innerHeight() + 'px' ) );
} );
// Hover
$( '.image-hover-overlay' ).on( 'mouseenter touchstart', '.porto-tb-item', function( e ) {
portoSetHoverImage( $( this ) );
} );
$( '.image-hover-overlay' ).on( 'mouseleave touchend', '.porto-tb-item', function( e ) {
portoSetHoverImage( $( this ), false );
} );
// expose to scope
$.extend( theme, {
InsertHoverImage: InsertHoverImage
} );
$( '.porto-posts-grid [data-hoverlay-image]' ).each( function() {
theme.InsertHoverImage( $( this ) );
} );
// close popup using esc key
var $minicart_offcanvas = $( '.minicart-offcanvas' ),
$wl_offcanvas = $( '.wishlist-offcanvas' ),
$mobile_sidebar = $( '.mobile-sidebar' ),
$mobile_panel = $( '#side-nav-panel' ),
$overlay_search = $( '#header .btn-close-search-form' ),
$html = $( 'html' );
if ( $minicart_offcanvas.length || $wl_offcanvas.length || $mobile_sidebar.length || $mobile_panel.length || $( '.skeleton-loading' ).length || $overlay_search.length ) {
$( document.documentElement ).on( 'keyup', function( e ) {
try {
if ( e.keyCode == 27 ) {
$minicart_offcanvas.removeClass( 'minicart-opened' );
$wl_offcanvas.removeClass( 'minicart-opened' );
if ( $mobile_sidebar.length ) {
$html.removeClass( 'filter-sidebar-opened' );
$html.removeClass( 'sidebar-opened' );
$( '.sidebar-overlay' ).removeClass( 'active' );
$( 'html' ).css( 'overflow', '' );
$( 'html' ).css( theme.rtl_browser ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-right', '' );
if ( $mobile_panel.length && $html.hasClass( 'panel-opened' ) ) {
$html.removeClass( 'panel-opened' );
$( '.panel-overlay' ).removeClass( 'active' );
if ( $overlay_search.length ) {
$overlay_search.trigger( 'click' );
} catch ( err ) { }
} );
$( '.skeleton-loading' ).on( 'skeleton-loaded', function() {
$mobile_sidebar = $( '.mobile-sidebar' );
} );
// Mouse Parallax
if ( $.fn.themeMouseparallax ) {
$( function() {
$( '[data-plugin="mouse-parallax"]' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this ),
if ( $this.data( 'parallax' ) ) {
$this.parallax( 'disable' );
$this.removeData( 'parallax' );
$this.removeData( 'options' );
if ( $this.hasClass( 'elementor-element' ) ) {
$this.children( '.elementor-widget-container, .elementor-container, .elementor-widget-wrap, .elementor-column-wrap' ).addClass( 'layer' ).attr( 'data-depth', $this.attr( 'data-floating-depth' ) );
} else {
$this.children( '.layer' ).attr( 'data-depth', $this.attr( 'data-floating-depth' ) );
var pluginOptions = $this.data( 'options' );
if ( pluginOptions )
opts = pluginOptions;
$this.themeMouseparallax( opts );
} );
} );
if ( $.fn['themePluginReadMore'] && $( '[data-plugin-readmore]' ).length ) {
$( '[data-plugin-readmore]:not(.manual)' ).themePluginReadMore();
// Hover Split
if ( $.fn.themePluginHoverSplit ) {
$( '.mouse-hover-split' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this ),
// Elmentor
$splitSlide = $this.find( '>.split-slide' );
if ( $splitSlide.length >= 2 ) {
} );
// Horizontal Scroller
if ( $.fn.themePluginHScroller ) {
// Horizontal Scroller
$( '.horizontal-scroller-wrapper' ).each( function() {
$( this ).themePluginHScroller( true );
} );
// Text Hover Floating Image
if ( $.fn.themePluginTIFloating ) {
$( '.thumb-info-floating-element-wrapper[data-plugin-tfloating]' ).each( function() {
$( this ).themePluginTIFloating();
} );
} );
( function( theme, $ ) {
// init wishlist off-canvas
if ( $( '.wishlist-popup' ).length ) {
var worker = null;
$( '.wishlist-offcanvas .my-wishlist' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
var $this = $(this);
$this.parent().toggleClass( 'minicart-opened' );
if ( $this.parent().hasClass( 'minicart-opened' ) ) {
$( 'html' ).css( theme.rtl_browser ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-right', theme.getScrollbarWidth() );
$( 'html' ).css( 'overflow', 'hidden' );
} else {
$( 'html' ).css( 'overflow', '' );
$( 'html' ).css( theme.rtl_browser ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-right', '' );
} );
$( '.wishlist-offcanvas .minicart-overlay' ).on( 'click', function() {
$( this ).closest( '.wishlist-offcanvas' ).removeClass( 'minicart-opened' );
$( 'html' ).css( 'overflow', '' );
$( 'html' ).css( theme.rtl_browser ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-right', '' );
} );
var init_wishlist = function() {
worker = new Worker( js_porto_vars.ajax_loader_url.replace( '/images/ajax-loader@2x.gif', '/js/woocommerce-worker.js' ) );
worker.onmessage = function( e ) {
$( '.wishlist-popup' ).html( e.data );
worker.postMessage( { initWishlist: true, ajaxurl: theme.ajax_url, nonce: js_porto_vars.porto_nonce } );
if ( theme && theme.isLoaded ) {
setTimeout( function() {
}, 100 );
} else {
$( window ).on( 'load', function() {
} );
// remove from wishlist
$( '.wishlist-popup' ).on( 'click', '.remove_from_wishlist', function( e ) {
var $this = $( this ),
id = $this.attr( 'data-product_id' ),
$table = $( '.wishlist_table #yith-wcwl-row-' + id + ' .remove_from_wishlist' );
$this.closest( '.wishlist-item' ).find( '.ajax-loading' ).show();
if ( $table.length ) {
$table.trigger( 'click' );
} else {
if ( typeof yith_wcwl_l10n !== 'undefined' ) {
$.ajax( {
url: yith_wcwl_l10n.ajax_url,
data: {
action: yith_wcwl_l10n.actions.remove_from_wishlist_action,
remove_from_wishlist: id,
nonce: typeof yith_wcwl_l10n.nonce !== 'undefined' ? yith_wcwl_l10n.nonce.remove_from_wishlist_nonce : '',
from: 'theme'
method: 'post',
success: function( data ) {
var $wcwlWrap = $( '.yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist.add-to-wishlist-' + id );
if ( $wcwlWrap.length ) {
var fragmentOptions = $wcwlWrap.data( 'fragment-options' ),
$link = $wcwlWrap.find( 'a' );
if ( $link.length ) {
if ( fragmentOptions.in_default_wishlist ) {
delete fragmentOptions.in_default_wishlist;
$wcwlWrap.attr( JSON.stringify( fragmentOptions ) );
$wcwlWrap.removeClass( 'exists' );
$wcwlWrap.find( '.yith-wcwl-wishlistexistsbrowse' ).addClass( 'yith-wcwl-add-button' ).removeClass( 'yith-wcwl-wishlistexistsbrowse' );
$wcwlWrap.find( '.yith-wcwl-wishlistaddedbrowse' ).addClass( 'yith-wcwl-add-button' ).removeClass( 'yith-wcwl-wishlistaddedbrowse' );
$link.attr( 'href', location.href + ( -1 === location.href.indexOf( '?' ) ? '?' : '&' ) + 'post_type=product&add_to_wishlist=' + id ).attr( 'data-product-id', id ).attr( 'data-product-type', fragmentOptions.product_type );
var text = $( '.single_add_to_wishlist' ).data( 'title' );
if ( !text ) {
text = 'Add to wishlist';
$link.attr( 'title', text ).attr( 'data-title', text ).addClass( 'add_to_wishlist single_add_to_wishlist' ).html( '' + text + '' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'removed_from_wishlist' );
} );
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if ( worker ) {
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// Hide Tooltip before adding to wishlist
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if ( $el.length ) {
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// Content Collapse
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